Updated Articles

  1. Available Charge Code Setup (Setup) -Screen Not Retaining Search Results and Selected Record (16852)

    An issue has been resolved where the search results and selected record would clear after assigning a service region to a charge code in the Available Charge Code Setup. Pathway:  Setup > Services > Available Charge Code ...
  2. NavuProject - Screen Changes Made To Navu Projects (16734) [New Feature]

    The Navu Projects screen has been updated with the following enhancements, organized into two tabs: Projects and Tasks, and Recent Activity: Projects and Tasks Tab The Navu Projects screen has been organized into two tabs: 'Projects and Tasks...
  3. Import Fuel Record (Database) - File Format Logic Updated to 'Import Fuel Record' (16871)

    The following modifications have been applied to the Import Fuel Record file format requirements: Truck Name or Truck ID are supported in the first column Three formats of Date are supported in the second column- YYYY-MM-DD / MM/DD/YY / MM/DD...
  4. Contacts (Accounts) - Warning For Blocked Email Addresses (16666) [New Feature]

    An enhancement has been made for accounts set to 'Email With Link' or 'Email with Attachment.' If a billing contact's email is on the email blocklist, a red exclamation point icon will appear on both the account screen and the contacts screen. Whe...
  5. Services List (Operations) - Logic Updated for Timestamp Discrepency (16803)

    The timestamp discrepancy between the timestamp on the Edit Service Record screen and the timestamp on the Services List screen has been resolved.   Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch ...
  6. Route Management (Operations) - Current Tab List Jumps To The Top When New Sequence Number Is Entered (16856)

    Previously, an issue occurred in the Route Management's Current tab: when a new sequence number was entered, the page would jump back to the top of the list. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Operations > Route Management ...
  7. (Contacts) Accounts - 'Email to Contact' to Include Contact's Title and Label (16804, 16818)

    When emailing out things such as statements and invoices, the 'Email to Contact' field has been updated to include the contact's title (if one exists) and their billing contact label if they are a billing contact. Pathway:  Acc...
  8. Navu Requests - Administrative Users

    Pathway:  Home Screen; Navu Requests Icon The Navu Requests tool provides a way for users to communicate issues and requests to Navusoft. There are two types of Navu Requests users: General users and Administrative users. General users ca...
  9. Navu Requests - Close Ticket Requests

    Pathway:  Home Screen; Navu Requests Icon Navu Requests can be closed by the assigned user, or a Navu Request Administrator. Upon closing a request, other users linked to the request will receive a notification of the status change. Close...
  10. Navu Requests - Create a Ticket Request

    Pathway:  Home Screen; Navu Requests Icon The Navu Requests tool provides all system users a way to report issues and request help while using the Navusoft application. General users of Navu Requests can create ticket requests for any rea...