Updated Articles

  1. Account Request Type Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Account > Account Request Type The Account Request Type Setup screen allows users to generate a wide range of request types that can be selected when creating a request for an account. Having a standardized set of accou...
  2. Merge Sites

    Pathway:  Database >  Merge Sites  The Merge Sites /Potential Duplicates scree n is used to merge duplicate sites into a single site record. Merge functionality is available to all sites that do not have any AR (Accounts Receivable) activi...
  3. AR History - Account Statements To Use Bill Remit Address (16660) [Enhancement]

    The address used for account statements has been updated to utilize the Bill Remit Address from Division Setup rather than the Legal Address. Pathway: Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
  4. Dispatch - Updates to Route Sheet Format 2 (16656)

    Logic has been updated to the Scheduled Volume summary at the top of Route Sheet Format 2 to use the truck's volume capacity UOM.  Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch ...
  5. Sales Results Net New - Sales Result Details Screen Fixed to Match Totals Listed (16584)

    Previously, an error occurred with the records in Sales Results Details not matching the total listed on the Sales Results Net New screen. This issue has been resolved. Pathway:  Reports > Analysis > Sales Results Net New ...
  6. Invoice Adjustment Pending Approval and History - Logic Updated to the Recalculation of Taxes and Surcharges (16550) [Enhancement]

    An enhanc ement has been made to the Invoice Adjustment screen to recalculate the taxes and surcharges and when a credit is applied to the parent charge. Pathway:  Accounting > Invoice Adjustment Pending Approval and History ...
  7. Customer Portal - Prospect Accounts No Longer Display In Customer Portal (16596) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been made to the Customer Portal, removing the display of 'prospect' accounts. Pathway:   Customer Portal ...
  8. Customer Portal - Display Exception Next To Work Order Status (16544) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been made to the display of the work order's status in the Customer Portal, now including the name of the exception reason, if one exists. Pathway:  Customer Portal ...
  9. Accounts - Logic Updated to Service Code Field For On Call Work Orders (16611) [Enhancement]

    Logic has been updated to the creation of on call work orders to auto-populate the Service Code field if the site has only one active service. Otherwise, if there is more than one active service, the Service Code field remains null requiring the...
  10. Active Dispatch - Disposal Locations Not Displaying on Map (16542)

    An issue has been resolved that prevented the disposal locations from displaying on the Active Dispatch map.  Pathway:  Operations > Active Dispatch ...