GL Segmentation Setup

Pathway: Setup > Accounting > GL Segmentation

The GL Segmentation screen is used to organize financial transactions into segments based on a business's structure and reporting needs. Segments can be based on Division, Line of Business, Service Region, Account Class, etc and are visible in Accounting > GL Transaction Processing. 


The following permissions are required to edit GL segments:

Field Descriptions

GL Segmentation Setup

There are five revenue areas where GL Segmentation can be established to organize financial transactions into segments, allowing for detailed insight into where revenue is generated and allocated. These areas include: Accounts Receivable (AR), Write-Off, Unearned Revenue, Revenue, Surcharge, and Tax.

Review GL Segments

GL Segments are displayed within GL Transaction Processing after billing and can be reviewed by clicking either the Count link or the Reference # link. More information about the GL Transaction Processing screen can be found here: GL Transaction Processing

Break Down of GL Account