

Term Setup
Pathway:  Setup > Accounting > Term Term Setup establishes the payment terms on an invoice to indicate when payment is due. Permission The following permissions are required to view, add and edit terms: Permission ID ...
Setup - Credit Request Processing
The following setup must be complete to process a credit request on an invoice. Permissions Required Review the following permissions required specific to credit request processing and it's setup.  Permission ID Permission Name...
Bill Group Setup
Pathway:  Setup > Accounting > Bill Group Bill Groups establish the billing settings an account will follow and are assigned when an account is created. Because accounts may share the same billing criteria, a Bill Group can be assigned to...
Tax Region Setup
Pathway : Setup > Accounting > Tax Region  The Tax Region Setup screen defines geographic areas where specific tax sets apply. When a tax region is assigned to an account or site, the associated taxes are automatically applied during billi...
Tax Setup
Pathway:  Setup > Accounting > Tax   Tax Setup identifies the taxes (City, State, Franchise, etc) that are applicable to accounts. Taxes added here are not individually assigned to accounts/sites and must be added to a Tax Region for...
Tax Class
Pathway:  Setup > Accounting > Tax Class Tax Class Setup Tax Class is a collection of taxes assigned to specific service codes, charge codes and surcharges. Creating a tax class involves two steps, adding a tax class and assigning tax cl...
Bank Account Setup
Pathway:  Setup > Accounting > Bank Account The Bank Account Setup screen stores the bank account details used by AR Payment Batch for payment processing. This screen consists two sections, an upper grid and a lower grid. The upper grid sho...
Collection Group/Agency Setup
Pathway:  Setup > Accounting > Collection Group/Agency The Collections Group Setup screen is used to create and manage the collection groups and agencies that can be assigned to accounts. This screen allows you to set up profiles for both...
GL Segmentation Setup
Pathway:  Setup > Accounting > GL Segmentation The GL Segmentation screen is used to organize financial transactions into segments based on a business's structure and reporting needs. Segments can be based on Division, Line of Business, S...
GL Account Setup
Pathway:  Setup > Accounting > GL Account A GL (General Ledger) account is an essential part of a company’s accounting system, capturing all financial transactions. It organizes sales, services, and expenses into specific accounts, gi...