Edit Disposal / Shipment (Operations) - Disposal Tickets Entered in NavuNav Not Displaying In Dispatch Disposal Records (16806)
An issue has been resolved where Disposal Records created in NavuNav were not being calculated into the Disposal Rate field when viewed in Navusoft. Pathway: Operations > Dispatch ...
Driver Timeline (Operations/Dispatch) - Modifications Applied to the Driver Timeline Screen (17304) [New Feature]
Review the enhancements made to the Driver Timeline screen in Dispatch, as well as some of the updated views within Dispatch. Additional Items Added to Menu Options New selection options include: Set Driver Log In / Out Upon sel...
Dispatch (Operations) - 'Line of Business' Label Renamed (17531)
In Dispatch, the Line of Business label has been renamed to 'Route Primary Line of Business.' Pathway: Operations > Dispatch ...
Route Management (Operations) - Display of Route Number on Map (17537)
The Route Management map now displays the route number alongside the corresponding day of the week for each stop. Pathway: Operations > Route Management ...
Route Management (Operations) - New 'Reset Sequence to 0 on Reroute/Reschedule' Checkbox (17500) [New Feature]
A new 'Reset Sequence to 0 on Reroute/Reschedule' checkbox has been added to the Current tab of the Route Management screen. Checked : Assigning a new route or rescheduling a service will set the New Sequence to 0 . Unchecked : Assigning...
Dispatch (Operations) - Edit Route Updates for Disposal Records (15174)
The disposal record has been enhanced with the following features: Edit Completed Disposal Tickets: The ability to edit a disposal ticket for a route with a completed status. Reassign Disposal Tickets: The ability to reassign a disposal tick...
Dispatch (Operations) - Updates to Context Menu Actions (17440)
The following enhancements have been applied to the Dispatch screen: Left and Right-Click Enhancements Left-click anywhere within a row (that is not a link) and it will cause the selection of the row. Right-click ...
Dispatch (Operations) - Site Hyperlink Added to Edit Service Record (17666) [New Feature]
The Site ID hyperlink has been enabled on the Edit Service Record screen from the Dispatch Services list. Clicking the hyperlink opens the site in the Customer Service screen, which will also include a back button to return to the Services List ...
Services List (Operations) - Checkbox Selection and Context Menu Updates (17363)
The following enhancements have been applied to the Services List screen: Left and Right-Click Enhancements Left-click anywhere within a row (that is not a link) and it will cause the selection of the row. Right-click ...
Disposal Activity (Operations) - Updates to the Activity and Details Screens (15934)
The following updates have been applied to the Activity tab in Disposal Activity, and the Details screen , accessible by clicking on a summary link: Activity tab updates: The original 'Group By' drop down option has been renamed to "S...
Inbound/Outbound (Operations) - New Search Type Setting and Logic Update (17935)
A setting to default the Search Type has been added to the Facility Setup screen. When this setting is enabled, the search type value is automatically populated for new transactions. If the setting is not enabled, the search type value remains bl...
Route Management (Operations) - Export and Import Logic Updated (17856)
In the Route Management Current tab, the Import and Export logic for both format options (Navusoft and RouteSmart) has been updated to use Route ID instead of Route Name. To support this, Route ID was added to the Route Setup screen (Setup > Opera...