Setup - Release 74


Service Region Setup (Setup) - 'Require Surcharge Group' Field Added (16966) [New Feature]
With in the Service Region setup screen, a new field 'Require Surcharge Group' has been added.   If enabled, the surcharge field will become a required field when adding an account or site, or editing a site. Pathway:  Setup > ...
Reason Code Setup (Setup) - New 'Enable Temporary Service' Field Added (16950) [New Feature]
An 'Enable Temporary Service' field has been added to the Reason Code Setup screen. When enabled and the reason code is selected for an active service, the 'Duration' field will display with the options 'Permanent' or 'Temporary'.  Additionally, to ...
Notification Template (Setup) - Text Message Notifications Include HTML Link (16896)
Previously, invoice numbers in SMS notifications were sent with HTML markups in the link. This has been resolved to display the invoice number in plain text. Pathway:  Setup > System > Notification Template ...
Account Class (Setup) - Addition of Per Invoice Fees (17022) [New Feature]
A new default setting, 'Per Invoice Fee', is available in the Account Class setup screen that will be visible on the Customer Service screen and in Edit Account when configured. Account Class Setup - Finance Charges and Other Fees New Def...
Route Setup (Setup) - Option to Specify Default Truck and Driver to Each Day of Week (16997) [New Feature]
In the Add/Edit Route, users can now specify default trucks and drivers for each day of the week. Additionally, a Default Description field has been added, allowing users to include a label that will appear in parentheses after the route name in Dis...
Service Region Setup (Setup) -Screen Enhancements (17037)
The following enhancements have been made to the Service Region Setup screen: Addition of a Division filter. A CSV export option was added. Addition of Search. Pathway:  Setup > Services > Service Region  ...
Line Of Business (Setup) - 'Service Description Display' Field Added (17069)
A 'Service Description Display' drop-down field has been added to the Mobile tab of the Line of Business Setup screen. Pathway: Setup > Services > Line Of Business ...
Setup - Settings for Intercompany Billing Added (17053) [New Feature]
Division Setup   Inter-company tab added Enable Disposal Billing field options: No Yes (Bill to Site for each transaction) Yes (Automated GL Batch) Bill to Site Includes a site search to direct billing to. Disposal Charge Code D...
Sale Stage Setup - Verbal and Discovery Removed from Sale Stage Options (17086)
Sales stages 'Discovery' and 'Verbal' have been removed as options from the following locations: Sale Stage Setup Sales Rep Map Site Status History  Pathway: Setup > Sales > Sales Stages ...
Add User (Setup) - Updates to 'Department' and 'Sales Goal Type' Fields (17068)
The following changes have been made to the Add User tool: A clearing option has been added to the Department field. A 'None' option, which is now the default setting, has been added to the Sales Goal Type field. Pathway: Setup > Syste...
Account Class Setup (Setup) - "Require Site Class" Field Added (17098)
In the Details tab of the Account Class screen, a new 'Require Site Class' checkbox has been added. This checkbox requires that a site class be selected when creating a new account or site within that account class. Pathway:  Setup > ...
Line of Business (Setup) - NavuNav (Android) Setting Added (17070) [New Feature]
A new 'Service Description Display' field has been added to the Mobile tab for a Line of Business. This change affects how the service description is displayed to drivers in NavuNav (Android). Pathway: Setup > Services > Line of Business...
Division (Setup) - Division Setup Screen Updates (17111)
The following changes have been made to the Division Setup screen: A green + was added to the screen to open the Add Division tool. To edit a division, double click within its row. The screen now includes export and refresh buttons and a sear...
Reason Code (Setup) - Logic Updated to Display of Line of Business Field (17146)
Logic has been updated for the Line of Business field in the Add Reason Code screen. When 'Downtime' is selected as the Type, the Line of Business field will no longer be required. Pathway:  Setup > System > Reason Code  ...
System Options (Setup) - Limit Material Type By Line Of Business (17142) [New Feature]
Setup Screen Changes In the System Options Setup screen, a new field called 'Enable Limit Materials to LOB' has been added under the Operations tab. When this option is enabled, a Line of Business tab will display on the Material Type Setup s...
New Account Template (Setup) - Logic Updated to Bill Group Field in Add/Edit New Account Template (17188)
A change has been made to the Add/Edit New Account Template, removing the limitation that restricted Bill Group selection based on the Division. In Bill Group Setup, if the Division field is left blank, the bill group will be universally available...
Service Region (Setup) - Logic Updated to 'Default Online Order Sales Rep' Field (17222)
Enhancements to the Service Region Setup screen to restrict the 'Default Online Sales Rep' selection to users with permission 260, 'Assignable as Sales Rep.' Pathway:  Setup > Services > Service Region ...
EPA Waste Code (Setup) - Search Bar Added To Sceen (17229) [New Feature]
A search bar has been added to the EPA Waste Code Setup screen. Pathway:  Setup > Operations > EPA Waste Code ...
Document Format (Setup) - Update to Prefix Column for Surcharge Rates and Addendums (17233)
In the setup for contracts and proposals, if the 'Prefix' column for proposal_addendums is populated, the prefix will now appear as a bold header above the addendums. Additionally, each addendum will now be listed as a separate line item, instead ...
Available Charge Code (Setup) - Changes Not Saving (17257)
An issue has been resolved that prevented changes to the Available Charge Code screen from saving. Pathway:  Setup > Services > Available Charge Code ...
Bundle Setup - Service Region Logic Updated (17253)
The Edit Bundle tool has been updated to restrict Service Region options based on the selected Division. Pathway: Setup > Services > Bundle ...
Service Code Setup (Setup) - Unable To Select Tax Class When Field Is Enabled (17217)
Previously, when adding a new service code in the Service Code setup, the list of Tax Class options would not display when the 'Taxable' field was enabled. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Setup > Services > Service Code  ...