Popular Articles

  1. Pre-Billing Workflow

    Pathway: Accounting > Billing This article details the Pre-billing work flow that should be followed to prevent billing errors and revenue loss. This process is completed in the Billing tool for billing batches marked 'Not Started'.  ...
  2. Re-Number Route Sequences

    Pathway: Operations > Route Management > Re-Number (Tab) Use the Re-Number tab in the Route Management tool to re-number stop sequences for one to multiple routes at a time.  Re-Number a Route Re-numbering can be done to a single...
  3. Add a New Account (Prospect)

    Pathway:   Account   > Add Account Before adding a new account, consider searching for the account to verify one hasn't already been created. Otherwise, upon selecting Create Account the system will check for duplicates. In the A...
  4. Customer Portal - Manage Autopay

    Pathway:  Customer Portal > Manage Automatic Payment The Manage Automatic Payments screen allows users to activate automatic payments, choose the frequency and payment method, and input payment details. Manage Automatic Payments Fie...
  5. Route and Service Notifications

    Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch Use the Dispatch Route Notification and Service Notification tools to send notifications about routes and services to contacts associated with specific locations on a single route or multiple routes simulta...
  6. Edit Account and Site Information

    Pathway:  Accounts > Search - Customer Service Screen Efficiently modify details for either a parent account or a site by using right-click functionality to access the account and site editor screens.  Permissions The followi...
  7. Account Class Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Account > Account Class Account Class establishes the criteria an account, or group of accounts, follow in their billing and payment processing practices. Account class is assigned to an account when the account is creat...
  8. Reverse/Transfer/Split Payments

    Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Account From an account’s AR History screen, the option to Reverse/Transfer/Split payment is available to manually recorded payments (payments made in either cash or check form).  Permissions The fo...
  9. Processing Auto Pay During Billing

    Pathway:  Accounting > Billing This article explains how to process auto-pay from the Billing screen. It's important to note that a billing batch must be posted before auto-pay can be processed. Permissions The following permi...
  10. Inventory Management

    Pathway:  Operations > Inventory Management The Inventory Management screen effectively tracks and manages equipment inventory at yards and sites. This screen functions through two grids: an upper grid and a lower grid. The upper grid pre...