Service Code Setup

Pathway: Setup > Services > Service Code

Service Codes identify the types of services offered under a Line of Business and populate for selection in the Service Code drop down field when adding a service to a site or a proposal. Setup here affects many areas related to servicing and billing a site. 

After creating a service code, navigate to the Available Service Code Setup screen to specify its availability for a division’s service regions.


Service Code Field Descriptions

Add a Service Code

Add Service Code

Clone Service Code

Add Surcharges

After saving a new service code or updating an existing one, the Surcharges tab will display with the Service Code tab.


After a service code has been saved, or upon editing an existing service code, the Surcharges tab will display. Select the tab to apply default surcharges to a service code.

Available Service Codes

Pathway: Setup > Services > Available Service Codes

*Additional Required Setup

Once a service code has been created, use the Available Service Code Setup screen to specify where a service code is available. You can also include any default charge codes and rates that apply based on the division and service region. If a service code is not available to at least one service region, the service code will be displayed as inactive for the division. Further information about Available Service Codes can be found here: Available Service Codes