Account Class

Pathway: Setup > Account > Account Class

Account Class establishes the criteria an account, or group of accounts, follow in their billing and payment processing practices. Account class is assigned to an account when the account is created and can be used to filter on in a number of reports and tools within the application.

Select  the green plus icon to add a new account class, or double click on an existing to edit a current setup. 


The following permissions are required to view and edit Account Class Setup:

Permission IDPermission Name
Setup \ Account

Add Account Class: Details

The following section reviews the fields in the Details tab. 

Field Descriptions: Details

Details Setup

Add Account Class: Customer Portal

The following section details the fields in the Account Portal tab.  

Field Descriptions: Account Portal

Customer Portal Setup

Add Account Class: Payment Processing

The following section details the fields in the Payment Processing tab.  

Field Descriptions: Payment Processing

Payment Processing Setup

Add Account Class: Status Management

The Status Management tab controls how

Field Descriptions: Status Management

Add Account Class: Finance Charges and Other Fees

The Finance Charges/Late Fees tab establishes how charges and fees are applied to an account.

Related Article: Late Fee Setup

Field Descriptions: Finance Charges and Other Fees

Application of Insufficient Funds Fee in AR History

Application of Credit Hold Placement Fee in Customer Service