Popular Articles

  1. Search Accounts - Improvements Made to Search Screen (16466) [Enhancement]

    The following enhancements have been applied to the Search screen: 1. Keyboard-friendly: Each search field on the Search screen supports keyboard entry and responds to the tab key. Upon typing in a search field, the system will generate a lis...
  2. Navu Requests - Create a Ticket Request

    Pathway:  Home Screen; Navu Requests Icon The Navu Requests tool provides all system users a way to report issues and request help while using the Navusoft application. General users of Navu Requests can create ticket requests for any rea...
  3. AR History (Invoice Adjustment) - Screen Changes for Surcharges and Taxes (16330) [Enhancement]

    The Invoice Adjustment screen has been updated to order surcharges and taxes by the service or charge code they are attached to. Pathway: Accounts > Customer Service Screen > AR History > (right click on invoice) View Details / Adjust I...
  4. Opertions (Resource Calendar) - *New* Resource Calendar Available (14386, 14372, 14374, 14485) [Enhancement]

    A new Resource Calendar tool has been released in the Operations module under Resource Scheduling. This tool provides dispatch with a high level view of worker availability, route assignment conflicts and displays the current status of a route. Filt...
  5. Customer Portal - Changes Made To Auto Pay Feature (15964) [Enhancement]

    The following enhancements have been made to the Customer Portal's Manage Automatic Payments screen: The 'Auto Pay' screen has been renamed to 'Manage Automatic Payments.' The 'Enable Auto Pay' has been renamed to 'Enable Automatic Paymen...
  6. Accounts - Updates to Site Search (16272) [Enhancement]

    Two new filter options, "Inactive More Than 60 Days" and "Inactive Less Than 60 Days," have been included in the Status drop down menu on the Site Search screen. This filter is not applied if both options are selected at the same time. P...
  7. Accounts - Logic Updated to Service Code Field For On Call Work Orders (16611) [Enhancement]

    Logic has been updated to the creation of on call work orders to auto-populate the Service Code field if the site has only one active service. Otherwise, if there is more than one active service, the Service Code field remains null requiring the...
  8. Equipment Class Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Operations > Equipment Class  The Equipment Class Setup tool categorizes equipment type properties, such as wheel type, lid, etc., by class. This classification allows it to be linked to an equipment type and recorded when...
  9. AR Analysis

    Pathway:  Reports > Analysis > AR Analysis The Accounts Receivable (AR) Analysis report offers a comprehensive examination of the Division's AR activity for a designated fiscal year. Permissions Permission ID Permission N...
  10. AR History - Logic Updated to Single Invoices if Account has a Billing Batch in Progress (15911) [Enhancement]

    The logic has been revised to restrict the generation of a single invoice when a billing batch is currently in progress for the account. In the image below, 'Generate Invoice' is unavailable and the billing batch is referenced in red text at the top...