Popular Articles

  1. Customer Portal - Division Logo Not Printing on Services Calendar (14919)

    An issue has been resolved that prevented the division logo from printing on the services calendar in the Customer Portal.  Pathway: Customer Portal > Current Services  > select Print Calendar > select Print Icon ...
  2. Customer Portal - 'Maximum Payment Amount' Field Displayed When Not Enabled (16420)

    Previously, even when the 'Enable Auto Pay Max Amount' setting in System Options Setup was set to 'No,' the option remained visible on the Customer Portal. This issue has been resolved. Pathway:  Setup > System > System Options ...
  3. Term Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Accounting > Term Term Setup establishes the payment terms on an invoice to indicate when payment is due. Permission The following permissions are required to view, add and edit terms: Permission ID ...
  4. Customer Portal - Display Exception Next To Work Order Status (16544) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been made to the display of the work order's status in the Customer Portal, now including the name of the exception reason, if one exists. Pathway:  Customer Portal ...
  5. Equipment Type Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Services > Equipment Type For each type of equipment services may include, an Equipment Type record must exist. Equipment types are specific to the Line of Business they are assigned and display in multiple locations inc...
  6. Payment Reversals and Refunds

    Pathway:  Reports > Standard > AR > Payment Reversals and Refunds The Payment Reversal and Refunds report summarizes accounts within a division that experienced payment reversals or refunds during a specified time frame. It also provides sp...
  7. Linking Services

    Pathway:   Customer Service Screen > Active Services (Section) The service linking feature is included in version 72, which is scheduled for release in spring 2024. This article focuses on linking site services. When an active ser...
  8. Service Region Setup

    Pathway:   Setup > Services > Service Region Service Regions are smaller geographic areas that make up a Division and are assigned at the site-level. Service Regions provide flexibility in auto-assigning surcharges to sites and assist in ...
  9. Source Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Account > Source Source Setup controls what displays for selection in the Source drop down field when a new account is created. Source identifies how an account originated and may help in future marketing and sales campaig...
  10. Rate Update Batch - Apply a Rate Change

    Pathway:  Sales > Rate Update Batch The Rate Update Batches  tool is used to mass update rates for sites by either a percentage or an entered value amount. This tool offers two options to create a batch rates are updated in: Site Servic...