Revenue Analysis

Pathway: Report > Analysis > Revenue Analysis

The Revenue Analysis Report offers a detailed breakdown of billed revenue based on the selected report Type. This provides users with the flexibility to analyze and interpret both monthly and total revenue data from various perspectives.


Permission IDPermission Name
134    Report Main Menu
286    Revenue Analysis Reports

Parameter Descriptions

Identifies the report that billed revenue data will be loaded for.

Specifies the year the report should generate billed revenue data on.

Restricts the report to only display billed revenue data for the selected division.

Service Region    
Restricts the report to only display billed revenue data for the selected service region.

Run The Report

  1. Select the Type of report you would like to use to examine revenue data with.
  2. Select the Year the report should pull data from. 
  3. Select the Division(s)the report should be restricted to. Otherwise, select 'All' and filter limits will not be applied. 
  4. Select the Service Region(s) the report should be restricted to. Otherwise, select 'All' and filter limits will not be applied. 
  5. Select Load to run the report.

Billed By Account Class

Select the "Billed by Account Class" report Type to view billed total revenue by the account class for the selected Year, Division and Service Region. 

Billed By Bill Group

Select the "Billed by Bill" report Type to view billed total revenue by the bill group for the selected Year, Division and Service Region. 

Billed By Code

Choose the "Billed by Code" report Type to view billed total revenue by charge code for the selected Year, Division and Service Region. 

Billed By Division

Choose the "Billed by Division" report Type to view billed total revenue by the division for the selected Year, Division and Service Region. 

Billed By LOB

Select the "Billed by LOB" report Type to view billed total revenue by the line of business for the selected Year, Division and Service Region. 

Billed By Sales Rep

Select the "Billed by Sales Rep" report Type to view billed total revenue by each sales representative for the selected Year, Division and Service Region. 

Billed By Service Region

Choose the "Billed by Service Region" report Type to view billed total revenue by the service region for the selected Year and Division. 

Billed By Source 

Choose the "Billed by Source" report Type to access the total billed revenue categorized by the source of account origination (cold call, acquisition, referral, etc.) for the specified Year, Division, and Service Region.

Billed By State

Select the "Billed by State" report Type to view billed total revenue by each state for the selected Year, Division and Service Region.