Calendar Information

Pathway: Accounts > Search (Accounts) > Calendar (Section)

The Customer Calendar tool displays actionable items applied to an account, records users who have viewed the account, and includes right-click functionality to access additional features such as adding an active service, or recording a customer request. The Calendar can be viewed in either Calendar view, or List view. 


Permission ID
Permission Name
View Account
View Site

Calendar/List View Toggle

By default, the Calendar view displays for all accounts. To change the view, select the Calendar/List toggle located in the header section. 

  • Calendar View - displays in a standard calendar format and is the default view for all accounts.
  • List view - displays calendar events in a listed order sorted by date.

In either view, select the Calendar Events in the drop down to filter what you would like to view.

Calendar Events

The following section details the Calendar Events that display.

Calendar Event TypeDescription
Logins    Displays the login name for each user on the date they viewed the account.

Scheduled Holiday    Displays holidays that have been created in the Holiday Schedule tool. Hover over the holiday to see any added notes.
Manual Charges    Displays the name of the Charge Code for the Manual Charge. Select the Manual Charge to Add, Edit or Delete this charge.
Service Records    Displays when a Service Request has been recorded on the Calendar.

Rental Fee    Displays when a Rental Fee has been charged to the customer.

Service Changes    Displays the Service Change Type on the day a change was applied.

System    Displays the date a logged in employee has viewed the account.

Appointment    Displays appointments recorded for the account. When an appointment is created, the selection from the Type field displays.
Cancellation    Displays cancellation of any events on the calendar that were previously set up.

Complaint    Displays customer complaints and the date they were reported.


Displays any emails sent that day.

Note    Displays Notes added to this account. When the note is created, the selection from the Note Type field displays.
Task    Displays tasks created for the account. When a task is created, the selection from the Type field displays.

Text Message    Displays text message generated alerts for the account.

Survey    When a survey has been done by a customer it will appear on the calendar. Click on the event to see the answers.