Waste Profile Management

Pathway: Accounts > Waste Profile Management

The Waste Profile Management tool offers a comprehensive overview of waste profiles across all sites. Using this screen, users can quickly review and manage waste profiles for a site.


The following permissions are required to use the Waste Profile Management screen:

Permission IDPermission Name
Waste Profile Management

Waste Profile Management (Tab) - Manage Waste Profiles

The Waste Profile Management tab displays a list of existing and expired waste profiles across all sites.

Use the filter options located at the top of the screen to limit the accounts that display.

  1. Select the Waste Profile Management tab.
  2. Review the accounts that display. Clicking within the row or on an account/site name will load the account/site.
  3. Select the green 'Renew' icon and the Add Waste Profile popup editor will display.
  4. Adjust the Start Date and End Date (if one applies) and click Save. A new waste profile will be created using the new dates and will display in the Waste Profile Management screen.

Missing Waste Profiles (Tab) - Link Waste Profiles

The Missing Waste Profiles tab displays a list of waste profiles that are not linked to a charge code across all sites. From here, review the list and link the waste profile to the charge code.

Link Waste Profile

  1. Select the Missing Waste Profiles tab.
  2. Review the accounts that display. Clicking within the row or on an account/site name will load the account/site.
  3. Select the green 'Link' icon and the Link Waste Profile popup will display.
  4. Select the link icon in the Link Waste Profile popup to link the waste profile. Upon selection, a Confirmation popup displays. Select 'Yes' to continue linking. 

Add Waste Profile

  1. Select the Missing Waste Profiles tab.
  2. Review the accounts that display. Clicking within the row or on an account/site name will load the account/site.
  3. Select the green 'Link' icon and the Link Waste Profile popup will display. 
  4. Select the green 'plus' icon and the Add Waste Profile popup editor will display.
  5. Enter a Name and Start Date for the waste profile.
  6. Click Save when finished.
  7. Follow the Link Waste Profile process outlined above to link the new waste profile to a charge code.