Updated Articles

  1. Service Code Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Services > Service Code Service Codes identify the types of services offered under a Line of Business and populate for selection in the Service Code drop down field when adding a service to a site or a proposal. Setup he...
  2. Site Status Updates Pending Approval

    Pathway:  Accounts > Site Status Updates Pending Approval The Site Status Pending Approval screen provides a second level review to complete a status change to a site. Use this screen to approve or reject changes to an active, vacation ho...
  3. Equipment Type Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Services > Equipment Type For each type of equipment services may include, an Equipment Type record must exist. Equipment types are specific to the Line of Business they are assigned and display in multiple locations inc...
  4. Available Charge Codes

    Pathway:  Setup > Services > Available Charge Codes Available Charge Code Setup identifies where charge codes are available. Permissions The following permissions are required to access and edit in the Available Charge Code Se...
  5. Charge Code Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Services > Charge Code Charge Codes establish the charges available to a Line of Business and are used when billing for a service.  Permissions The following permission(s) are required to add and update service...
  6. Active Dispatch

    Pathway:  Operations > Active Dispatch The Active Dispatch screen allows dispatch operators to oversee and manage routes. From this screen, users can use drag-and-drop functionality to assign unassigned work orders to routes, move assigned ...
  7. Disposal Activity - Activity

    Pathway:  Operations > Disposal Activity The Activity tab of the Disposal Activity screen provides a summary of historical target usage for each disposal location. Filtering and field options displayed along the top of the screen provide ...
  8. Add User (Setup) - Updates to 'Department' and 'Sales Goal Type' Fields (17068)

    The following changes have been made to the Add User tool: A clearing option has been added to the Department field. A 'None' option, which is now the default setting, has been added to the Sales Goal Type field. Pathway: Setup > Syste...
  9. Sale Stage Setup - Verbal and Discovery Removed from Sale Stage Options (17086)

    Sales stages 'Discovery' and 'Verbal' have been removed as options from the following locations: Sale Stage Setup Sales Rep Map Site Status History  Pathway: Setup > Sales > Sales Stages ...
  10. AR Aging Management (Accounting)- Ability To Change Account Status Of Multiple Accounts (16999) [New Feature]

    An enhancement has been made to AR Aging Management, adding the option to select multiple accounts when changing account statuses. Pathway:  Accounting > AR Aging Management ...