AR Payment Batch

Pathway: Accounting > AR Payment Batch

The AR Payment Batch screen consolidates and manages payments received from accounts. When a payment is received, users can apply it to the account in an existing open AR batch, or create a new batch to record the payment in. Payments are applied to accounts after the batch has been posted.


Filters and Field Descriptions

Create an AR Payment Batch

The following process must be followed to create a new AR Payment Batch to process payments. 

  1. From the AR Payment Batch screen, select the green ‘+' icon to display the 'Create Payment Batch’ pop-up editor.
  2. Complete all required fields highlighted in red.  * Notes display on the AR Payment Batch screen as well as on the Batch Report. 
    • Select the Division the payment batch belongs.
    • Enter or select a Deposit Date payments recorded in the payment batch will be deposited.
    • Select a calendar Period the payment batch falls into.
    • Select the Bank Account payments will be deposited to.
  3. Select Save when finished and the new payment batch will display on the AR Payment Batch screen.

Add Payment to an Open Batch

Received payments can be applied to an open batch, with the requirement that the division for the account aligns with the division of the batch. To access a batch and start applying payments, double-click on the row of an open batch within the AR Payment Batch screen. This action will launch the batch editor. Refer to the steps outlined in the Payment Batch Editor section below to begin adding payments to the batch.

When viewing batch details, the F5 key on your keyboard acts as a shortcut to open the "Search Accounts / Sites" screen.

Batch Payment Editor

Search and Add Accounts/Sites

Apply Payments to the Account/Site

Using the Apply Option

Post an AR Payment Batch

When ready, 'Post' the Payment Batch and payments will be reflected on the accounts they were applied. If a payment batch was created that should be removed, the 'Void' option can be used to void all payments in the batch.

  1. Double-click within the row of the payment batch that is ready to be posted to display the batch pop-up editor.
  2. Review the Batch ID located at the top of the editor to confirm the correct batch will be posted.
  3. Select Post. A Confirmation popup displays, select 'Yes' to confirm. 
    • After posting, the Post button will change to 'Un-Post'. Select Un-Post in the event the payment batch should be reverted back to an 'Open' status.
  4. If the payment batch was successfully posted, a Success popup will display and the batch's record will display in green on the AR Payment Batch screen.

Void an AR Payment Batch

If a batch is in an 'Open' status, the option to void is available. Posted batches may also be voided if the 'Un-Post' option remains available and the user 'un-posts' the batch. Voided batches will continue to display on the AR Payment Batch screen highlighted in yellow with a 'Voided' status.

Review Lockbox Payments and 'Change Account'

If payments have been uploaded into the system from Lockbox, and the wrong account is listed with a payment, a 'Change Account' option is available by opening the batch and right-clicking within the row of the account.