Updated Articles

  1. Recent Activity and Sales Rep (Homepages) - Account Requests Column Updated (16929)

    In the Recent Activity and Sales Rep Homepages, the Account Requests column has been renamed to "Requests" and will display both account requests and cancellation requests.   Pathway:  Recent Activity and Sales Rep Homepages ...
  2. Accounts - Keyboard Functionality Improved Across Multiple Screens (16884, 16885, 16624)

    To improve keyboard compatibility, minor changes are being made to various screens. These changes include adjustments to fields with drop-down time entry selections and numeric fields that previously used +/- arrows. In the image example a...
  3. Invoice Message Management

    Pathway:  Accounting > Invoice Message Management The Invoice Message Management screen is used to create messages that will display on invoices. This screen allows users to create and edit messages specific to a Division, Bill Group, Ac...
  4. Customer Service (Account) - Photo in Highlights Section Not Displaying Upon Hover (16968)

    Previously, within the Highlights section on the Customer Service screen, images did not display as expected when the user hovered their mouse over the image icon. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Customer Service Screen > Highlights ...
  5. Work Type

    Pathway:  Setup > Operations > Work Type Work Type Setup identifies the various service transactions that are performed. When a service is scheduled, the work type that applies displays under the Work Type field on the service record that i...
  6. AR History Overview

    Pathway:   Accounts > Search > Accounts The AR History screen displays an account's balance for services they have received. In addition, AR History is used to manage the account's payment methods, post a payment and generate an in...
  7. Division Setup (Setup) - New Field Added for Invoice Adjustments (16834) [New Feature]

    In Division Setup, an optional setting field ‘Adjustment Amount Requiring Two Approvals’ has been added. If a value is entered for this setting, a secondary approval will be required for invoice adjustments that exceed that amount. Approvals are c...
  8. Void, Refund and Payment Chargeback

    Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts (AR History)   Permissions The following permissions are required to access an account and void, refund or apply a chargeback to a payment: Permission ID Permission Name 5     Vi...
  9. Customer Portal - Reports / Documents

    Pathway:  Customer Portal > Reports/Documents The "Reports/Documents" button enables users to search for reports and documents associated with the selected account and service locations within a specified time frame. To enable accessibili...
  10. Customer Portal - Make A Payment

    Pathway:  Customer Portal > Make A Payment Customers can use the 'Make a Payment' screen in the Customer Portal to make a full or partial payment towards the account balance, current charges, or select invoices.  Make A Payment D...