Add and Edit Contacts

Pathway: Accounts > Search > Accounts

The View Contacts tool, accessible in the Account Details section of the customer service screen, provides users the ability to add and edit contacts associated with accounts and sites. Adding an account contact is essential to ensure efficient communication and accurate record-keeping.


The following permissions are required to view, add and edit Contacts:

Add Contact Tab and Field Descriptions

From the Account section of the Customer Service screen, select the 'View Contacts' icon to open the Contacts screen. Selecting the green '+' Add icon, the Add Contact popup editor will display. This section covers each of the tabs used to create, edit, or monitor activity with a contact.

Add a Non-Billing Contact

Add a non-billing contact to an account for handling non-billing inquiries.

Add a Billing Contact

Add a billing contact to the account to manage billing inquiries and receive invoice notifications.

Edit an Existing Contact

In the Account section of the Customer Service screen, select the 'View Contacts' icon to open the Contacts screen. Double-click on a contact to open the Edit Contact popup editor and make your changes.

Remove a Contact

In the Account section of the Customer Service screen, select the 'View Contacts' icon to open the Contacts screen. Double-click on a contact to open the Edit Contact popup editor where you can then unlink the contact from the account. 

Add a Contact as a Portal User

After adding a contact to an account or site, you can grant them portal access directly from the Edit Contacts screen. Configure their access as an account-level contact or restrict it to specific sites, ensuring they only see what you want them to. Additional information regarding system setup requirements for Customer Portal can be found here: Customer Portal Setup.