Line Of Business

Pathway: Setup > Services > Line Of Business

Line of Business is the categorization of related services within a company's operations. It represents distinct divisions or segments of the company's operations that are dedicated to specific areas of waste management (Roll-off, Residential, Commercial, Medical and etc.). This screen displays in two grids: upper grid and lower grid.  The upper grid shows all active and inactive lines of business. Values in the lower grid display when a line of business is selected from the upper grid. 


The following permissions are required to view, add and edit in the Line of Business Setup screen:

Upper Grid - Add a Line of Business

The following section provides information on the tabs that are displayed when adding a line of business. To edit a line of business, double-click the row corresponding to the line you want to modify.

Lower Grid

Values in the lower grid display when a line of business is selected from the upper grid.