Updated Articles

  1. Setup (Auto pay)

    The following article details the required setup components for customers to pay their invoices and account balances using the automatic payment system. Bill Group Setup Pathway:  Setup > Accounting > Bill Group In the Settings tab for B...
  2. Role/Division (Setup) - Logic Updated for Invoice Adjustment Limit and Approval Limit (17607, 17740)

    The rules for Invoice Adjustment Limit , Adjustment Approval Limit , and Amount Requiring Two Approvals have been updated to clarify which limit applies where.  Invoice Adjustment Pathway: Customer Service (screen) > AR History >...
  3. Pre-Billing Workflow

    Pathway: Accounting > Billing This article details the Pre-billing work flow that should be followed to prevent billing errors and revenue loss. This process is completed in the Billing tool for billing batches marked 'Not Started'.  ...
  4. Available Charge Codes

    Pathway:  Setup > Services > Available Charge Codes The Available Charge Code Setup determines where charge codes are available. Charge codes must first be created in the Charge Code Setup before their availability can be configured o...
  5. Charge Code Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Services > Charge Code Charge Codes establish the charges available to a line of business and are used when billing for a service. This is the first step in setting up charge codes for use in active services, work orders...
  6. Charge Code Tiered Pricing Setup

    Charge code tiered pricing is a flexible pricing strategy designed to offer varying pricing levels based on the quantity associated with a charge code. Setup for this pricing feature begins with configuring the charge code and is then further defi...
  7. Snoozed Alerts (Alerts) - Updates to Snoozed Alerts (17164) [New Feature]

    The following updates have been made to Snoozed Alerts: Snoozed Alerts has been renamed to "Alert History." The Alert History screen has been split into two tabs: Snoozed Alerts : Displays alerts that have been snoozed. Alerts in this section...
  8. Send Alert Notification

    Pathway:  Database > Send Alert Notification The Alert Notification screen is used to send custom alert   messages to one or multiple employees .  These notifications will display as a blue popup notification at the top of the user's...
  9. Role Setup

    Pathway:   Setup > System > Role Roles in the Navusoft application serve as collections of permissions necessary for users to access and operate within the system. Navusoft offers a predefined set of roles that are readily available f...
  10. Adjustment History and Pending Approval

    Pathway:  Accounting > Invoice Adjustment - Pending Approval and History The Adjustment History and Pending Approval screen  is used to approve or reject invoice adjustments and maintain a history of each approval by time period. When a...