Role Setup

Pathway: Setup > System > Role

Roles in the Navusoft application serve as collections of permissions necessary for users to access and operate within the system. Navusoft offers a predefined set of roles that are readily available for assignment to user accounts. These roles, as established by Navusoft, can be modified, edited, or tailored to align with the specific requirements and preferences of individual companies. This customization feature empowers organizations to finely adjust access privileges based on the unique needs of their users and operational structure.


The following permissions are required to add and edit Role Setup:

Field Descriptions

The following fields display on the Roles Setup screen. To edit a role, double-click within its row.

Tab Descriptions

Single-click on a role to open the Permissions and Users tab-set to add and edit the permissions and users of a role. 


Displays a list of all permissions that can be assigned to a role. Select a role to view the permission list.


Displays a list of all active and inactive user accounts that can be added or removed from each role. Select a role to view the list of user accounts.

Add a New Role

To add a new role, select the green plus icon in the upper left corner of the Role Setup screen to display the Add Role editor. 

Field Descriptions

Add Role

Delete a Role

If a role is no longer needed, the option to delete is available. When a role is deleted, the role and any permission it granted is removed from all user accounts linked to it.

Before deleting a role, consider reviewing the Active User Count, Users, and Permissions the role included.

Understanding the Basics (User Security)

User Accounts

Permission Setup