New Articles

  1. Proposals - Display Estimated vs. Actual Tab in Proposals (14247)[Enhancement]

    An option to Enable Estimates Tracking has been added to Service Code setup. When the Enable Estimates Tracking field is set to 'Yes', an Estimated vs. Actual tab displays for Proposals. Pathway: Accounts > (Select Account) > (Sel...
  2. Operations - Work Order Format 2 Extending to Additional Page (14326)

    Previously, an issue was causing text to extend to a second page for Work Order Format 2. This has been resolved. Pathway: Operations > Dispatch > Services List > Work Order Format 2 ...
  3. Operations (Dispatch) - Scheduled and Actual Hours Updated (14239)

    Previously, an issue prevented the hours from displaying under the Scheduled and Actual columns in the Resource Planning view of the Services List screen. This has been fixed. Pathway: Operations > Dispatch > Service List ...
  4. Accounting (Vendor/Rebate Payments) - Screen Enhancements (14256) [Enhancement]

    The In Process and History tabs of the Vendor/Rebate Payments tool have been updated with the following enhancements: In Process Tab A Select All check box was added to the Vendor selection in the bottom grid. An editable Processing ...
  5. Adjustment History and Pending Approval – Logic Updated (14039)

    Logic has been updated to the 'Adjustment History and Pending Approval'  screen to load using the Adjustment Approval Limit instead of the previously used Invoice Adjustment Limit. Pathway: Accounting > Adjustment History and Pendi...
  6. Setup (Operations) - Logic Updated to User Field in 'Add Worker Schedule and Availability' Tool (14144)

    The User selection drop down in the Add Worker Schedule and Availability tool has to been updated to only display the names of employees with an active user account and their title if one is assigned. Pathway:  Set Up > Operations > ...
  7. User Profile - New 'Locale' Option Added (14132) [Enhancement]

    A new feature, 'Locale' has been added to the menu options list in User Profile. Upon selection, the system translates each tool and field into the user's preferred language. This is a one-time change that does not require selection each time the us...
  8. Reports (Custom) - Invoice Number Added to Aging Details (14438)[Enhancement]

    The invoice number has been added to Aging Details report. Pathway: Reports > Custom > Aging Details
  9. Dispatch - New Column Added to Dispatch View in Services List (14044) [Enhancement]

    A new 'Created On' column has been added to the Dispatch view of the Services List screen. This column captures the date and time a work order was created. Pathway: Operations > Dispatch ...
  10. Dispatch (Services List) - Email Notification Added (14084) [Enhancement]

    An Email Notification icon has been added to the Services List screen display to send service notification emails to select locations on a route. To use this feature, a template must be created (and marked Active) for the Operations Notification (Ty...