New Articles

  1. Setup (Services) - Service Code Map, Charge Codes (14432)

    Previously, not all Charge Code options were displayed in the Add/Update Service Code Map. Now all charge code options display when selected. Pathway:  Set Up > Services > SoftPak Service Code Map > Update Service Code Map ...
  2. Operations (Edit Service Record) - Labor Tab Logic (14224) [Enhancement]

    The Labor tab uses the following logic to populate technicians: Technicians who are Active display. Technicians assigned permission 313 (Permission to be assigned as a crew member or labor/technician) display. Technicians who have access to...
  3. Setup (System) - Logic Updated to Balance Write Off Reason Codes (14511)[Enhancement]

    The type of Reason Codes available for selection for balance write offs has been limited to invoice adjustment reason codes with a GL account associated. Pathway: Set Up > System > Reason Code  ...
  4. Setup (Sales) - Commission Plan Setup Logic Updated (14341)

    Previously, and issue was causing Commission Plans to fail upon Save in the Commission Plan Setup tool. This has been fixed. Pathway: Setup > Sales > Commission Plans ...
  5. Permissions - New Permission Added for Invoice Notification Monitoring Tool (13996) [Enhancement]

    Permission 427 'Permission to view Notification History' is now available. This permission should only be assigned to users whose job duties include accessing the Invoice Notification Monitoring tool in the Accounting module. Pathway: S...
  6. Dispatch - Start Date/End Date and Times Added to Disposal / Ship Record (14170) [Enhancement]

    The previous Date and Time fields in a Disposal/Ship Record have been renamed to Start Date and Start Time. In addition, two new fields 'End Date' and 'End Time' were also added to the screen. Pathway: Operations > Dispatch > Select val...
  7. Account Calendar - Logic Updated for System Processed and Manually Sent Emails/Texts (14484)

    Logic updates have been made to how Email and Text messages display on the calendar. Previously, there was a difference in how emails displayed when viewing the calendar in grid view vs list view. In addition, if an email/text fails to send a status...
  8. Accounts - AR History Credit Cards On File Changed To Payments On File (14413)

    Previously, an issue prevented the count for Credit Cards On File from displaying on the account's AR History screen. This has been resolved and Credit Cards on File has been renamed to Payment Methods On File . In addition, a Refresh button has ...
  9. Portal (Make a Payment) - Error When Clicking on Invoice Email Link and (Portal) Make a Payment (14446)

    Previously, when the Make a Payment link was selected from the emailed invoice, or the Make A Payment button in the Customer Portal was selected, a 404 Error was produced. This has been resolved. Pathway: Portal > Make a Payment; Email In...
  10. Accounting (AR Payment Batch) - Payment Type 'ACH' Added (14625) [Enhancement]

    A new payment method has been added to AR Payment Batch for Money Orders. In the list of options, it is listed as ACH. Pathway: Accounting > AR Payment Batch ...