User Activities

Pathway: Accounts > User Activity

The User Activities screen monitors and presents the activities of user accounts in an interactive grid for review. This screen offers two view options that modify the displayed content. Filters can be applied to narrow down the returned data to a specific set of users and time frame.


The following permissions are required to view the User Activity screen:


Permission IDPermission Name
Dashboard Activities in NavuSales

Filter Descriptions

The following descriptions apply to only the filters found on the User Activity screen. 

Filter Type


To / From    

Creates a date range to limit what displays. Only user accounts with activities falling within the From and To dates entered are shown.


Filter to only see the activities of users of a specific division.


Filters to only display users of the selected department. Departments are assigned to users in their user account.

User With One/Or More Activities        

Check the box to filter out user accounts with no user activity to display.

View Services    

Changes what is displayed on the screen. User Activities are split between two views, Standard or Services.


Option to search for a specific user.

Standard View Field Descriptions

The Standard view of the User Activities screen allows you to select an activity from a user's row to view its details in the grid at the bottom.

Services View Field Descriptions

The Services view of the User Activities screen allows you to select service related activities from a user's row to view its details in the grid at the bottom.