Set Up - Credit Request Processing

The following setup must be complete to process a credit request on an invoice.

Permissions Required

Review the following permissions required for credit request processing. 

Permission IDPermission NameDescription
332Invoice Adjustments - Pending Approval and History

Grants users permission to approve or deny pending invoice adjustments in the Invoice Adjustment - Pending Approval and History tool.

Only user's who's job responsibilities include approving/denying invoice adjustments should have this permission. Permission 332 is not required to create an adjustment request. 
345Apply Credit to Invoice

Grants users permission to adjust an an account's invoice.

Role Setup

Pathway: Setup > System > Role

To setup the Role Invoice Adjustment Limit and Adjustment Approval limit:

  1. Navigate to Setup > System Role
  2. Double click on the Role Name to open the Update Role tool
    • Enter the Invoice Adjustment Limit. This is the maximum amount a user can credit an invoice by without needing approval.
    • Enter the Adjustment Approval Limit. This is the maximum amount a user with Permission 332 can approve in the Invoice Adjustment - Pending Approval and History tool.

Reason Code Set Up

Pathway: Setup > System > Reason Code

Invoice Adjustment type Reason Codes are required when adjusting an invoice.

  1. Navigate to Setup > System > Reason Code
  2. Click + in the top left corner of the Reason Code Setup screen.
    • This will open the Add Reason Code editor. 
  3. Select Invoice Adjustment from the Type drop down field.
  4. Enter an ID. This displays under the Reason Code column in the Reason Code Setup screen. 
  5. Enter a Name.
  6. Select a GL Account. 
  7. Select Save when finished.