Tax Setup

This article provides tax setup information and covers the following screens in Navusoft: Tax Setup, Tax Region, and Tax Rate.

Tax Setup

Pathway: Setup > Accounting > Tax 

Tax Setup identifies the taxes (City, State, Franchise, etc) that are applicable to accounts. Taxes added here are not individually assigned to accounts/sites and must be added to a Tax Region for application.


The following permission is required to view and edit in the Tax Setup screen:

Tax Setup Field Descriptions

Add a Tax 

Tax Region

Pathway: Setup > Accounting > Tax Region 

The Tax Region Setup feature defines geographic areas where specific tax sets apply. When a tax region is assigned to an account or site, the associated taxes are automatically applied during billing. This screen also offers an optional setup for default tax regions, allowing you to define areas using an interactive perimeter mapping tool.

Add Tax Region Field Descriptions

Setup: Add Tax Region 

Create Default Tax Region Settings (Map)

Tax Rate

Pathway: Setup > Accounting > Tax Region > Tax Rate (tab)

After a Tax Region has been created, use the Tax Rate tab to add each tax it should include at a rate that applies. 

Add/Edit Tax Rate Field Descriptions

Setup: Tax Rate