Tax Setup

This article provides tax setup information and covers the following screens in Navusoft: Tax Setup, Tax Region, and Tax Rate.


Pathway: Setup > Accounting > Tax 

Tax Setup identifies the taxes (City, State, Franchise, etc) that are applicable to accounts. Taxes added here are not individually assigned to accounts/sites and must be added to a Tax Region for application.


The following permission is required to view and edit in the Tax Setup screen:

Tax Setup Field Descriptions

Add Tax 

Tax Region

Pathway: Setup > Accounting > Tax Region 

Tax Region Setup is used to identify the geographic area where a specific set of taxes apply.  When the Tax Region is assigned to an account/site, the taxes it includes are applied to the account during billing.

Add Tax Region Field Descriptions

Setup: Add Tax Region 

Tax Rate

After a Tax Region has been created, use the Tax Rate tab to add each tax it should include. 

Add/Edit Tax Rate Field Descriptions

Setup: Tax Rate