Collection Group/Agency Setup

Pathway: Setup > Accounting > Collection Group/Agency

The Collections Group Setup screen is used to create and manage the collection groups and agencies that can be assigned to accounts. This screen allows you to set up profiles for both internal and external groups or agencies responsible for collecting overdue debt from accounts.

Field Descriptions 

Add Collection Group/Agency


Add Collection Group/Agency Steps

  1. Click the '+' add icon to open the Add Collection Group/Agency screen.
  2. Select a Type from the drop down to identify if the group/agency is internally or externally managed.  
  3. Enter a Name for the group/agency.
  4. Optionally enter a Note to further identify the group/agency, or level of collection.
  5. Select 'Yes' from the Active status drop down to make the group/agency available for use.

Assigning Collection Group/Agency to an Account Status

Once collection groups have been defined, they become available for selection in the Account Status History screen. To update an account status to Internal Collection or External Collections, there must be no active services associated with any of the account's sites.