Updated Articles

  1. Prepayments (Create On Call Order)

    Pathway:  Accounts > Search: Account > Create On Call Order The Prepayment option is a feature that can be used during the creation of an on-call order to collect payment before a service is started. This allows for a seamless and convenien...
  2. Auto Pay Setup

    Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts > AR  History The option to enable auto-pay for an account is linked to its payment method and is configured in AR History. Accounts with auto-pay can choose to have payments processed either at the...
  3. Dispatch (Operations) - Edit Route Updates for Disposal Records (15174)

    The disposal record has been enhanced with the following features: Edit Completed Disposal Tickets: The ability to edit a disposal ticket for a route with a completed status. Reassign Disposal Tickets: The ability to reassign a disposal tick...
  4. Refund Request Management

    Pathway:  Accounting > Refund Request Management The Refund Request Management screen is used to manage refund requests submitted by users whose accounts lack the necessary permissions to issue a refund or chargeback. Refunds are created ...
  5. Refund Request

    Pathway:  Accounts >  Menu  >  Refund Request Initiate refund requests seamlessly for a customer using the Refund Request feature, located in the account menu. This tool streamlines the refund process, ensuring all necessary details...
  6. Refund Request Management (Accounting) - New Feature and New Screen Added (17305, 17425, 17499) [New Feature]

    A new Refund Request feature has been added to both the Customer Service screen and the Accounting module. Details about this feature, including setup, are outlined below. New Permissions Pathway:   Setup > System > Permiss...
  7. AR Payment Batch (Accounting) - Logic Updated to Division Filter and Import Button (17626, 17634)

    Division Filter Previously in AR Payment Batch, selecting "All" in the Division filter loaded payment batches for all divisions, including those outside the user's access permissions. This has been updated to display payme...
  8. Photos (Accounts) - Updates to Photos in Accounts (17580)

    The following updates and fixes have been applied to the Photos tab in Photos, Attachments, Purchase Orders and Waste Profiles: The Work Order # column has been renamed to Source and now displays the ID of the source associated with the phot...
  9. Account Request Management (Accounts) - 'Division' and 'Assigned To' Logic Updated (17606)

    The logic for the "All" selection in the Division and Assigned To filters on the Account Request Management screen have been updated to display only results for the divisions the user has access to. Pathway: Accounts > Account R...
  10. Unread Email Management

    Pathway: Accounts > Unread Email Management The Unread Email Management screen records unopened email messages that were sent out of the Navusoft application. This screen loads based on the Division and time frame selected. Upon load, on...