Pathway: Setup > Account > Account Request Type
The Account Request Type Setup screen allows users to generate a wide range of request types that can be selected when creating a request for an account. Having a standardized set of account requests also assists in filtering on specific request types within the Account Request Management tool.
Field Descriptions
Field | Description |
Name | The name for the account request that displays for user selection. |
Type | Categorizes the request type. |
Active | Controls if the request is available for use. |
Allow Account Portal Entry | Allows account requests to be created in the account portal. Requests received from the account portal will display in Account Request Management. |
Assign User By Default | Automatically assigns account requests received from the portal to the identified user type. When a request is received from the account portal, the user assigned will be alerted. |
Department | Option to categorize requests by department. In Account Request Management, requests can be filtered by department. |
Add Account Request Type
- Click the green + to open the Add Account Request Type editor.
- Complete the following required fields:
- Enter a Name for the account request.
- Select the Type of account request for the department it will applied to.
- Set the Active status to 'Yes' to make the request type available for use.
- Complete additional fields based on your company's established procedures.
- Click Save when finished.