Add Account Request

Pathway: Accounts > Search: Accounts

The following article details how to create an Account Request from the Customer Service screen. After an account request is created, it will filter into two locations: Account Request Management and the assigned user's Account Request notifications.  


The following permissions are required to use the Add Account Request feature:

Permission IDPermission Name
View Account 
View Site 
Add/Edit Account Request

Add an Account Request 

  1. Right-click on the calendar day the request applies to.
  2. Select Add Account Request from the pop-up list for the 'Account Request' editor to display.
  3. Select a Type that best classifies the reason for the request. Options are created in Setup > Account > Account Request Type. 
  4. Select the current Status of the request. By default, a new request's status is 'Open.'
  5. Select the user the request should be Assigned To.
  6. Select the account Contact to identify who the contact is for additional followup and review.
  7. Add a Note for further instruction or details regarding the request, contact information and any other supporting information a user needs to complete the request.
  8. Click Save when finished.

Linked Items

Linked Items offers the option to associate or link appointments, tasks, service records, invoices, and credit memos with an account request, streamlining the process for its completion. The Linked Items tab only displays after the request has been created.

User Notification of Assigned Requests

After a request is created and saved, the assigned user will receive a notification, and the request will appear in their Account Requests Home screen display.

Related Articles:

Account Request Management

Basic Navigation

Account Request Type Setup