Updated Articles

  1. Dispatch - Route Truck Options Not displaying With Multiple LOBs Assigned (15697)

    An issue related to trucks with more than one Line of Business assigned to them not displaying for all lines of business on the Route Record screen has been resolved. Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch ...
  2. Proposals and Service Contracts (CRM Sales Workflow)

    Following the creation of a prospect account and a lead, proposals and service contracts can be created.  Prerequisites Review the following article before continuing further: Create Prospect Accounts and Leads (CRM Workflow) Proposals ...
  3. Import Inventory

    Pathway:  Operations > Inventory Management The Import Inventory tool is used to mass import equipment inventory from an external CSV file into Navusoft. This article details that process and includes the CSV file requirements for a success...
  4. Service Code Default Rate Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Services > Default Pricing > Service Code This article details the process of defining a default rate for a service code. When a default rate is established, the rate is automatically applied when a service is added to a s...
  5. Operations - New Inventory Management Screen (15458) [Enhancement]

    A new Inventory Management screen has been added to the Operations module. The Inventory Management screen effectively tracks and manages equipment inventory at yards and sites. This screen functions through two grids: an upper grid and a lower grid...
  6. Inventory Management - Import Inventory Functionality Added (15535) [Enhancment]

    Import Inventory functionality has been removed from Database > Import  and added to the Inventory Management screen in Operations. This feature requires the following permissions to import: 423 Import Inventory 449 Inventory Management CSV C...
  7. Site Inventory (Trucks)

    Pathway:  Account (Customer Service Screen) > Display Inventory  > Trucks (tab) The Trucks tab is part of the scale process and enhances the efficiency of the disposal ticket workflow. If you wish to learn further information about Scale, ...
  8. Accounts (Contracts and Agreements) - Logic Update to Require Deposit Amount Field (14219)

    The "Require Deposit Amount" field on the Add Proposal screen has been renamed to "Payment Required at Customer Signature" and has been updated to include the following options: Not Required Customer and Sales Rep can sign the contract without co...
  9. Dispatch - Map Unable To save Multiple Records When Updating Work Status (15680)

    A previous issue with the Route Dispatch Map not allowing users to save a Work Status change when the polygon tool was used has been successfully resolved. Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch ...
  10. Cancellation Requests (Pipelines) - Site Name Column Renamed To 'Site' (15698) [Enhancement]

    On the Cancellation Requests screen, the Site Name column has been renamed to 'Site'. Pathway:  Sales > Pipelines > Cancellation Requests  ...