Reports - Release 72


AR Analysis Report - Details Screen Not Loading Large Data Sets (16161)
An issue has been resolved that was preventing the AR Analysis Details screen from loading large sets of data.  Pathway:  Reports > Analysis > AR Analysis ...
Service History Report - 'Gross Qty' and 'No Charge Qty' Columns Added (16181) [Enhancement]
An enhancement has been made to the Service History report to include a column for the Gross Quantity and the No Charge Quantity  totals.  Pathway:  Reports > Standard Reports > Account > Service History ...
Standard Reports (AR) - Error When Exporting Reports to Excel (15194, 16056, 16247)
Previously, when a user selected the 'Run as Excel' option to generate the Aging Details and Tax Details reports, an error would occur. This has been resolved. Pathway: Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Aging Details ...
Customer Analysis (Analysis) - 'Total' Relocated to Bottom of Results (16386)
The 'Total' row in the Customer Analysis report has been corrected to display at the bottom of the results. Previously, when a Division filter was applied, the Total row was displayed in the middle of the report's results. Pathway: Repo...
Aging Details to A Date (Standard Reports) - Report is Not Showing All Expected Invoices (15792)
An issue has been resolved that prevented the Aging Details to a Date report from showing all qualifying invoices.  Pathway: Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Aging Details to a Date ...
Tax Summary (AR Reports) - Update to Division Filter (16579) [Enhancement]
The Division filter in the Tax Summary report has been enhanced to support multiple selections. Pathway: Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Tax Summary ...
Sales Results Net New - Sales Result Details Screen Fixed to Match Totals Listed (16584)
Previously, an error occurred with the records in Sales Results Details not matching the total listed on the Sales Results Net New screen. This issue has been resolved. Pathway:  Reports > Analysis > Sales Results Net New ...