Popular Articles

  1. Accounts - Separate Fields For PO Number and Tracking Number (15118)

    To better track and correct where the PO Number and Shipping Tracking ID populated into work orders in Core (when created in Account Portal) the 'PO Number/Shipping Tracking ID' field has been separated into two fields.  Pathway:  Custom...
  2. Email Attachments

    Pathway:  Setup > System > Email Attachments  The Email Attachments tool is used for uploading and storing documents for future use as attachments in customer emails, proposals, and service contracts sent from the Navusoft system. Examples ...
  3. Sales Tax Report

    Pathway:  Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Sales Tax The Sales Tax Report provides an overview of total sales within each tax region within a division. It further details the taxable amount and the total taxes collected for the specified t...
  4. Accounts - 0% Recognized As Exact Match By Tax Verification (16232)

    Previously, the tax verification process did not acknowledge taxes with a 0% tax rate and showed them as missing in the Tax Results screen. Logic has been updated to recognize the 0% tax rate as an "Exact" match.  Pathway:  Accou...
  5. Accounts - Update to 'Default Payment Method' Field in Edit Account (16280) [Enhancement]

    A 'Not Applicable' option has been added to the list of options for the Default Payment Method field. This is the default selection for imported accounts that have a blank/null AP Default Payment Method. Pathway: Accounts > Account Deta...
  6. Accounts - Users Appearing Available For Tasks Without Permission 347 (16314)

    Previously, an issue occurred with the "Add Task" feature, where all users were displayed in the drop down list for "Assigned To," contrary to the expected behavior of only displaying users with permission 347 (Assignable to Tasks). This has been r...
  7. AR History - Logic Updated to 'Viewed Notification' Status Icon (16537)

    The logic for the notification icon indicating when a customer has viewed the invoice has been updated. The email icon will turn green (indicating the invoice has been read) under the following circumstances once the invoice is viewed from: The...
  8. Route Management - Re-Number Tab Updates (14788, 14916)

    The following enhancements have been made to the Re-Number tab in Route Management: Division and Day of Week filters have been added to display routes upon Load. New columns added: Day of Week Identifies the day of the week for the route...
  9. Accounts - Credit Hold Notification Template (14441)

    Previously an issue occurred with the Credit Hold Notification Template that prevented it from sending when an account was placed on credit hold. This has been resolved. Only the billing contacts for an account will receive a notification when a cr...
  10. Aging Details To Date

    Pathway:  Reports > Standard Reports > AR > Aging Details To Date The 'Aging Details To A Date' report provides additional aging details for accounts in the selected division based on the date entered. Required Permissions P...