Popular Articles

  1. Accounts - Inactive Account Class Displays in Account Class Drop Down (14908)

    Previously, an issue was identified in Accounts that allowed inactive account classes to display in the Account Class drop down. This has been fixed. Pathway: Accounts > Add Account; Setup > Account > Account Class   ...
  2. Accounts - Logic Updated to Per Unit Rate Field (16170, 16286) [Enhancement]

    Logic has been updated to the Per Unit Rate field for Manual Charges and Active Services to allow users to enter a 7 digit rate. Previously, anything over 999,999 was not supported and an error message would display. Pathway:  Accounts >...
  3. Available Service Codes

    Pathway:   Setup > Services > Available Service Code The Available Service Code Setup screen identifies the services provided to a division and further refines them to specific service regions. This screen also offers the option to app...
  4. Payment Receipt - Account ID Added to Payment Receipt (14475) [Enahancement]

    The payment receipt's format has been updated to display the Account ID under the Payment Date. Pathway: Accounts > Search > AR History (Customer Service Screen) Version: 69 ...
  5. AR Aging Management - Past Due Letters Not Generating (14457)

    An issue has been resolved that caused a blank page to generate for past due notifications if the 'Exclude Invoice By Email Account' was checked. Pathway :  Accounting > AR Aging Management > select Accounts > select Print ...
  6. Invoice Display - Screen Updates (15955) [Enhancement]

    Improvements have been applied to the format and display of the 'Account Balance Due' and  'Past Due'  fields, along with the 'Make a Payment' button for invoices. Additionally, a "Login to Portal" link has also been added.  Pathway: Ac...
  7. Customer Portal - Updates to Requests Tab (16816) [New Feature]

    The following screen improvements have been applied to the Customer Portal: Requests Tab Changes: (1) Add icon relocated to the left of the Completion filter (2) Completion filter options have been improved to match the filter options in the...
  8. Accounts - AR History Credit Cards On File Changed To Payments On File (14413)

    Previously, an issue prevented the count for Credit Cards On File from displaying on the account's AR History screen. This has been resolved and Credit Cards on File has been renamed to Payment Methods On File . In addition, a Refresh button has ...
  9. Operations (Dispatch) - Route Sheet Format 4 Font Size Updated (16007) [Enhancement]

    In an attempt to decrease the number of pages, the font size for Access, Note, and Service Note has been reduced, and the format has been adjusted on Route Sheet Format 4. Pathway: Operations > Dispatch ...
  10. Accounts - Auto Pay Option Added to AP Payment Methods (14746) [Enhancement]

    The 'Auto Pay' option has been added to the Default Payment Method for an account and will display in AP Check Batches. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts (Customer Service Screen) > right click Edit Account ...