Customer Portal - Wallet

Pathway: Customer Portal > Manage Wallet

The Manage Wallet screen displays all payment methods linked to an account, offering options to add new methods and remove any that are no longer required.

Manage Wallet

Account Holder Name    
Displays the name of the account holder for the payment method.

Displays if the payment method is Credit Card or Bank Account. 

Last 4 Digits    
Displays the last four digits of the credit card or bank account.

Expiration Date    
Displays the Credit Card expiration date if credit card is used. Otherwise displays blank. 

Portal User    
Displays the name of the customer portal user who set up the payment method.

Add or Remove a Wallet


  1. Click the green + to open the 'Add Wallet' popup. 
    • Select Type to identify the wallet as either a Credit Card or Bank Account. 
    • Based on the selection, enter the details for the wallet.
    • Review the 'Accept Payment Terms and Conditions' and select the check box when finished. 
    • Click 'Save' and the wallet is now available for use. 


  1. Click the red - to remove the wallet. 
    • After clicking the remove icon, a confirmation message will appear to ensure the user intends to remove the wallet.