Customer Portal - Manage Autopay

Pathway: Customer Portal > Manage Automatic Payment

The Manage Automatic Payments screen allows users to activate automatic payments, choose the frequency and payment method, and input payment details.

Manage Automatic Payments Field Descriptions

Enable Automatic Payments

  1. Select 'Manage Auto Pay'  from the Customer Portal home screen to open the Manage Automatic Payments window. 
  2. From the 'Enable Automatic Payments' drop down (Manage Automatic Payments screen), select one of the following options:
    • Scheduled Day -  If selected, auto-pay will be processed on a specific day each month identified by the customer.  
    • At Billing - If selected, auto-pay will be processed at the same time as billing.
  3. Select an existing option from the Wallet drop down, or Add a Wallet if a new method should be added.
  4. If Scheduled Day was selected from the 'Enable Automatic Payments' drop down, enter the Day of Month auto-pay should process.
  5. Optional, enter a Maximum Payment Amount that can be processed using auto-pay.  
  6. Click 'Save' when finished.

Add Payment Method - Wallet

The Add Wallet tool is used to store credit card and bank information for automatic payment charges. More information about Wallet and setup configurations can be reviewed here: Customer Portal - Wallet

  1. Click the 'Add Wallet' button from the Manage Automatic Payments screen. This will open the 'Add Wallet' popup.
  2. Select the payment Type: Bank Account or Credit Card.
  3. Enter the Name of the bank account or credit card holder.
  4. Select the "Accept Payment Terms and Conditions" hyperlink to review the terms and conditions. Check the associated box to acknowledge and accept.
  5. Click 'Save' to add the payment method to Wallet.