Customer Portal - Make A Payment

Pathway: Customer Portal > Make A Payment

Customers can use the 'Make a Payment' screen in the Customer Portal to make a full or partial payment towards the account balance, current charges, or select invoices. 

Make A Payment Descriptions

Total Balance    
Option to pay the total balance due on the account.

Current Charges    
Option to pay only the most current invoice balance amount. 

Fixed Amount    
Option to pay a fixed amount entered by the customer.

Selected Invoices    
Option to pay on only the selected invoices. After choosing the "Selected Invoices" radio button, click on the hyperlink (shown as a numeric value) associated with it to identify the invoices to which the payment should be applied.
Payment Total    
Displays the payment amount that will be processed. The value displayed here is determined by a selection from above.  
Identifies the payment method that will be used to process the payment. If the payment method has changed, use the Add Wallet option to add a new method for current and future use. 
Add Wallet (button)    Opens the Add Wallet screen to add a new payment method.

Option for the customer to add a note with their payment. 

Make A Payment 

  1. Select the 'Make a Payment' button from the Customer Portal home screen. This will open the Make a Payment popup screen.
  2. Select a payment option:
    • Total Balance - Pays the total balance due on the account.
    • Current Charges - Pays only the current invoice amount. 
    • Fixed Amount - Pays a set amount towards the account total balance.
    • Selected Invoices -  Select the invoices to make payments for.
  3. Select the payment method from the Wallet  drop down. If one doesn't exist, or has changed, enter a new method by selecting the 'Add Wallet' button.
  4. Click 'Process Payment' and the payment will be processed.