Pathway: Customer Portal > Invoice and Payment History
The Invoice and Payment History screen enables customers to view, print, and export invoice and payment details associated with their account.
Screen Descriptions
Field | Description |
Excel (Icon) | Option to export the Invoice and Payment History details to an excel spreadsheet. |
Print (Icon) | Option to print the invoice or payment receipt. |
Date | Displays the date the invoice was generated, or the transaction date. |
Due Date | Displays the date payment is due for the associated invoice. |
Type | Indicates if the record is an invoice or payment transaction. Payments also reference the payment method that was used. |
Reference # | Displays the reference number for a payment or invoice. |
Site | Displays the site the invoice or payment is for. Applies when an account has multiple sites. |
Amount | Displays the amount of the invoice or payment. |
Balance | The balance due on the invoice. |
Running Sum | Displays an account's current balance after all payment transactions. |