Customer Portal - Invoice History

Pathway: Customer Portal > Invoice and Payment History

The Invoice and Payment History screen enables customers to view, print, and export invoice and payment details associated with their account.

Screen Descriptions

Field Description
Excel (Icon)     Option to export the Invoice and Payment History details to an excel spreadsheet.

Print (Icon)     Option to print the invoice or payment receipt.

Date      Displays the date the invoice was generated, or the transaction date. 

Due Date      Displays the date payment is due for the associated invoice.

Type      Indicates if the record is an invoice or payment transaction. Payments also reference the payment method that was used.  
Reference #      Displays the reference number for a payment or invoice. 

Site     Displays the site the invoice or payment is for. Applies when an account has multiple sites. 

Amount     Displays the  amount of the invoice or payment.

Balance     The balance due on the invoice.

Running Sum    
Displays an account's current balance after all payment transactions.