New Articles

  1. AR Payment Batch - Clearing the Search Field and Search Result in a Batch (14175)

    Logic has been updated to the Batch screen to clear the search value and the search result upon entry of a payment Amount and Type. Pathway: Accounting > AR Payment Batch  ...
  2. Vehicle Inspection Type

    Pathway:  Setup > Operations > Vehicle Inspection Type The Vehicle Inspection Type Setup facilitates the creation of driver-completed pre and post-trip inspections, which are important for determining the operational condition of a truck. U...
  3. Transporter

    Pathway:  Setup > Operations > Transporter The Transporter Setup page is used to add all the transporting options needed to complete Services.    Add Transporter Field Descriptions Field Descriptions Name     Re...
  4. Fuel Source

    Pathway:  Setup > Operations > Fuel Source The Fuel Source tool is used to record the fueling locations used by trucks.  Fuel source information is displayed in Dispatch under the Productivity view. Add Fuel Source Field De...
  5. Truck Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Operations > Truck The Truck Setup tool is used to add and edit the trucks a company uses to collect waste. Upon open, all trucks are listed. Use the Division and Line of Business filtering options located at the top of th...
  6. System - Updates to Role Setup Screen (14756) [Enhancement]

    Values displayed under the Invoice Adjustment Limit  and Adjustment Approval Limit columns of the Role Setup screen have been modified to display as currency. Pathway:  Setup > System > Role Version:  69 ...
  7. Route Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Operations > Route Route Setup establishes the routes used for servicing sites.  Active routes display in Dispatch and Active Dispatch once a service record has been assigned. Permissions The following pe...
  8. Operations - Default Truck Field Not Populating (14633)

    An issue has been resolved in  Route Setup > Add Route  that prevented the Default Truck drop down field from displaying a list of trucks until after the used had saved the route. The following selections must be made for trucks to display: Di...
  9. User Setup - Logic Update to Screen Sorting (14522)

     User Setup screen sort logic has been updated to sort by ID upon open. Pathway:  Setup > System > User Version: 69 ...
  10. Payment Receipt - Account ID Added to Payment Receipt (14475) [Enahancement]

    The payment receipt's format has been updated to display the Account ID under the Payment Date. Pathway: Accounts > Search > AR History (Customer Service Screen) Version: 69 ...