Updated Articles

  1. Accounts - Separate Fields For PO Number and Tracking Number (15118)

    To better track and correct where the PO Number and Shipping Tracking ID populated into work orders in Core (when created in Account Portal) the 'PO Number/Shipping Tracking ID' field has been separated into two fields.  Pathway:  Custom...
  2. Unapplied Management - Retain Grid Position Upon Returning to Screen (14302) [Enhancement]

    The Unapplied Management screen has been improved to return the user back to the same location in the list after clicking on the customer and viewing the Customer Service screen.  Pathway:  Accounting > Unapplied Management  ...
  3. Sales Management - Update Reason/Commission Reason Codes (15131)

    Previously, when reviewing sales in Sales Management, when a user wanted to update the Reason Code in the 'Update Reason/Commission' popup editor, (opens upon double-clicking on a sale) a list of reason codes did not populate. This has been fixed. ...
  4. Customer Portal - Excel Export Added to Service Map (14894)

    An Excel export icon has been added to the Municipal view of the Customer Portal. Upon selection, information similar to what is displayed in the Services List will be exported with the addition of two new columns to capture the completion timestamp...
  5. Add Service - Entries to Max Weight Fields Not Displaying Active Service Screen (15119)

    An issue has been resolved that prevented entries made in the Max Weight and Over Max Weight Rate fields from saving for tiered pricing service charges. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
  6. Attachments - Count Bubble Not Displaying For Blanket Purchase Orders Tab (15128)

    Previously, the red bubble count was not displaying for the Blanket Purchase Orders tab and was also not reflected on the paperclip icon. This has been fixed. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts (Customer Service Screen) > click Attac...
  7. Accounts - Invoices Listed On The Receipt (15049)

    An issue has been resolved that prevented payment receipts from displaying the invoices payment was applied to.  Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts (Customer Service Screen) > AR History ...
  8. Dispatch - Display of Lunch Hours in Services List (15035)

    An issue has been resolved with the display of lunch hours in the Services List screen. Lunch hours display upon hovering over the site if lunch hours were created. Pathway: Operations > Dispatch > Services List ...
  9. Customer Portal - Option to Generate PDF of Recycle Composition Report (14966) [Enhancement]

    The option to generate a PDF download of the Recycle Compostion Report has been added to the Customer Portal. Upon selecting the PDF icon the PDF report will generate in a new window. Pathway: Customer Portal ...
  10. Dispatch - Optimization Hyperlink Added to Dispatch Screen (15034) [Enhancement]

    A hyperlink to view optimization results has been added to the Dispatch screen for routes where optimization was successfully run. Status displays have also been updated in the Optimized column and will display as follows: Optimization Running...