Accounts - 68 Release


Accounts - Unread Email Management Screen Not Allowing Scroll Down (14464)
An issue has been resolved that prevented users from being able to scroll down on the Unread Email Management screen.  Pathway:  Accounts > Unread Email Management ...
Credit Card Expiration Notification Sent for Inactive Cards (14430)
Logic has been updated to resolve an issue that caused a Credit Card Expiration Notification to be sent for inactive cards, showing the wrong card information.  Pathway: Accounts > Account
Service Records -Default Charge Code Rate Not Displaying on Work Orders (14803)
Previously, when a charge code with a default rate was added to a work order, the default rate was not applied. This has been fixed.  Pathway:  Accounts > Search Work Order; Setup > Services > Available Charge Code ...
AR History - Link Not Opening for Emailed Statements (14786)
An issue has been resolved that prevented the link in the Email Statement from opening correctly by the recipient.  Pathway: Accounts > Account (Customer Service Screen) > AR History ...
Add Site - Unable to Add a New Site (14769)
Previously, an issue was found that prevented a site from being created upon save and 'Continue' selected from the Duplicate Accounts screen. This has been fixed.  Pathway: Accounts > Accounts Screen  ...
AR History - Option to Email Credit Memo Available (14782) [Enhancement]
Email has been added to the right click options for Credit Memos. Notification Template setup is recommended but not required to use this feature. If no template is created, the Credit Memo will be attached to the email with a basic subject an...
AR History - Print Memo Format Updated (14783) [Enhancement]
The following enhancements have been applied to the Print Memo format: Column header formatting updated to all caps. Total column renamed to 'Amount' and currency symbol added. Currency symbol added to values displayed in the Total row. Descr...
Format 13 Postcard Removed from Core (14837)
Format 13 (postcard) has been removed from the core product and will now be available as a custom install.
Customer Service - Services Grid Updates (14799) [Enhancement]
The Service History grid on the Customer Service screen has been updated with the following: The Qty field has been renamed to 'Service Qty'. A new column, 'Charge Qty' has been added . Pathway: Accounts > Account (Customer Service Scr...
Service Record - Charges Tab Relocated (14865) [Enhancement]
The Charges tab on the Service Record has been moved to the first position in the Service Detail tab set.  Pathway: Accounts > Search > Work Order ...
Work Order - Scanning Labels Logic Updated for Receipt Timestamp (14732)
Logic has been updated to the scanning labels receipt timestamp to pull from the local browser time. Pathway: Accounts > Search - Work Order / Invoice / Reference / PO ...
AR History - Email Indicators Not Displaying Correctly (14900)
Previously, an issue prevented the email status indicators from displaying correctly on the account's AR History screen for sent and viewed emails. This has been fixed.   Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts (Customer Service Screen) -...
AR History - Autopay Setup Not Saving 'Day of Month' (14790)
An issue was reported that affected the 'Day of Month' from saving for accounts on autopay. Previously, upon saving the account's payment method (with an entry to the Day of Month field), the Day of Month field did not save. This has been fixed.  ...
Service Record - Logic Updated to Voided Labels for Manifest Consolidation Transfer Batches (14886)
Void logic has been updated to labels assigned to a Manifest Consolidation Batch: A label can not be voided if: Batch is Posted Batch is Shipped Batch is Ready to Ship If the Manifest Consolidation Batch is Open: The label can be voided and...
Accounts - Inactive Account Class Displays in Account Class Drop Down (14908)
Previously, an issue was identified in Accounts that allowed inactive account classes to display in the Account Class drop down. This has been fixed. Pathway: Accounts > Add Account; Setup > Account > Account Class   ...
Active Service - Edit Active Service Overwrites Current Rate (14884)
Logic has been updated to the rate fields in Edit Active Service to prevent the default rate from being applied if the Qty, Service Code or Frequency are not changed. Pathway: Accounts > Search > Edit Active Service (Right Click) ...
Site - Rate Index % Surcharges Not Displaying in Surcharge Group Window (14885)
An issue has been resolved that prevented surcharges that use Rate Index % (Setup > Services > Surcharge > Type (field)) from displaying in the Surcharge Group/Surcharge Window. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Customer Service Screen: Si...
Service Record - Default Destination Not Loading Correctly (14857)
An issue has been corrected that prevented the Default Destination field from populating with the available destinations when Enable Default Destination is set to 'Yes' in Service Code Setup. Pathway: Setup > Services > Service Code; A...
Vendor Invoices - Error Message When Exporting (14922)
Previously, when attempting to export invoices from the Vendor Invoices screen an error message was produced. This has been fixed. Pathway: Accounts > Search > Account (Customer Service Screen) > Menu (+ icon) > Vendor Invoices ...
Proposals - Cannot Delete Tiered Pricing (14943)
Previously, an error message was produced when users attempted to delete a Tiered Pricing charge from a proposal (Services tab > double click on the service to open the 'Edit Service' window). This has been fixed.  Pathway:   Accounts >...
Service Reminders - Service Reminders Still Sending for Cancelled Work Orders (14889)
A fix has been applied to Service Reminder notification logic to only send Service Reminders for scheduled work orders. Pathway:   Accounts > Search > Account (Customer Service Screen)  ...
SMS Verification - Timestamp Displays After Sending to Contact (14923)
A timestamp has been added to the Contacts screen and will display the date and time verification was sent. Additionally, if the verification should be sent again, a 'Verify' option has been added. Select and the verification will be sent again.  ...
AR History - Logic Update to Period Selection (14891) [Enhancement]
Logic to the Period in the Invoice Adjustment screen has been updated to the following: The Period selector defaults to the period matching today's date. The Period selector will only display one period back if the period is still open. If ...
Work Order (Disposal) - Option to Show Disposal Ticket Image on Customer Portal Added (14801)
The option to allow users to view the disposal ticket image on the Customer Portal has been added to the work order in the Add Disposal / Shipment tab. Select 'Include Ticket Image With Invoice and Make Available in Customer Portal' to display the a...
Work Orders - Vendor Rate Not Displaying in Charges Tab (14906)
Previously, when an on call order was created from a service with vendor rates associated, the rates did not populate into the work order's Vendor Rate column (Charges tab). This has been fixed. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Account (cus...
Site Inventory - Add/Edit Truck Screen Updated (14979)
The following changes have been made to Add/Edit Truck in Site Inventory: The Division field will populate with the site's division. Field is read-only. Fields removed:  Fuel Type Vehicle Inspection Type  VIN Tabs removed:  Onboard Scal...
Site Inventory - Banner Count Added (14980) [Enhancement]
Banner counts have been added to the Site Inventory icon and the Site Inventory tabs. The count on the Inventory icon is a combined total of the count on Trucks and count on Equipment. Pathway: Accounts > 'Site' Search > Site Section o...
Calendar - Timestamps for Site View Not Using Correct Time (14905)
Previously, the 'Last Viewed' time that displayed upon hovering over a user's name in the calendar did not match the timestamped time in Site Views. Logic has been updated to use the user's current time for the timestamp. The same logic was also ext...
Accounts - Error Message When Using Transfer Services (14920)
  Logic has been updated to the Transfer Service tool to include a Reason Code selection for both the end and add service entries. This resolves the  error users received when processing a Transfer Service.  Pathway:  Accounts > Sear...
Active Services - Validation Popup Message Added For Invalid End Dates (14789)
When ending a service, a Validation popup will display if the end date entered does not match the following end date logic: End Date is greater than or equal to the service's start date. End Date is greater than or equal to the schedule date of t...
Service Detail - Updates to Charges Source Location (14893) [Enhancement]
Enhancements have been applied to the following Service Record tabs: Charges  Ability to add the same charge code more than once. Source Location (enabled on the Work Type) Ability to add more than one Source Location. Select the green + ...
Service Record - Composition Tab Updated to Include Total (14928) [Enhancement]
The Composition tab has been updated to include a total below the Quantity column.  Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Work Order ...
Max Weight Charge - Flat Rate (14772) [Enhancement]
The Add/Edit Active Service  and Add/Edit Service Proposal screens have been updated to support an Over Max flat rate charge. To support this, the following changes were made: Over Max Type  column was removed Over Max Weight  was renamed to...
Logic Updated for Charge Code Rate Determination (14830)
Logic has been updated to correct how default pricing rates are determined when a charge code is added to the work order. Pathway: Accounts > Search > Work Order
Service Record - Fixes to Add Disposal / Shipment Screen(15043)
An issue has been resolved on the Add Disposal / Shipment screen that affected Qty and Save functionality. Additionally, the screen display has been corrected to open the Add Disposal / Ship record in a new window and not within the Disposal /...
Service Record - Route Selection in Edit Active Service Not Working as Expected (15044)
An issue has been resolved that affected Route drop down functionality. Pathway: Accounts > Search > (Edit) Active Service ...
Accounts (Service Record) - Update to Add State ID to Source Location Tab (14899) [Enhancement]
An enhancement has been made to add State ID to the Source Location tab in the Service Record. In addition, the Source Location search box has been expanded to include the ability to search by State ID. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > A...