Customer Portal - 69 Release


Customer Portal - Invoice and Payment History Search Not Working (14850) [Enhancement]
Previously, the Search option in the Invoice and Payment History screen of the Customer Portal was not responding to search entries. This has been fixed. Pathway:  Customer Portal > Invoice History ...
Invoice and Payment History (Portal) - Allow Printing of Adjustments (15568)
Logic has been updated for Credit Memos, now enabling printing functionality in the portal. Pathway: Customer Portal > Invoice History ...
Customer Portal - Logic Update to Display of Total Due (15144) [Enhancement]
Logic has been update to the Account Balance Due that displays in the Customer Portal to exclude the Unapplied Payments/Credits amount. Pathway: Account Portal > Make a Payment ...
Customer Portal - Division Logo Not Printing on Services Calendar (14919)
An issue has been resolved that prevented the division logo from printing on the services calendar in the Customer Portal.  Pathway: Customer Portal > Current Services  > select Print Calendar > select Print Icon ...
Customer Portal - Excel Export Added to Service Map (14894)
An Excel export icon has been added to the Municipal view of the Customer Portal. Upon selection, information similar to what is displayed in the Services List will be exported with the addition of two new columns to capture the completion timestamp...
Customer Portal - Option to Generate PDF of Recycle Composition Report (14966) [Enhancement]
The option to generate a PDF download of the Recycle Compostion Report has been added to the Customer Portal. Upon selecting the PDF icon the PDF report will generate in a new window. Pathway: Customer Portal ...
Customer Portal - Payment Receipt Timestamp Removed (15145)
The timestamp that previously displayed after the date on the Portal Payment Receipt has been removed. Pathway:  Customer Portal ...
Customer Portal - Option To Print Receipt Added - (15168)
The print icon has been enabled in the Customer Portal for payment receipts. Previously, print was only available for invoices.  Pathway:  Customer Service Portal  ...
Customer Portal - Added Default Option For Service Record Photos (15176)
A update has been made to Account Class Setup to include an option to automatically display service photos on the Customer Portal. The default setting for this option is 'Yes'. Pathway:  Setup > Account > Account Class; Customer Porta...
Customer Portal - Tracking Numbers Updated in Recent Services and Service History (14921)
Previously, when viewing Recent Services and Service History, the tracking number was only partially displayed. Logic has been updated to increase the character display to 18 characters.  If a tracking number is longer than 18 characters, hover yo...
Customer Portal - Account Sort Order Updated (14903) [Enhancement]
Account sorting logic has been updated for all account drop down lists in the Customer Portal to sort by Account ID. Pathway:  Customer Portal  ...
Customer Portal - Manifest Printing (15177)
Manifest printing from the Customer Portal was reverted back to prior logic to allow printing for scheduled and completed stops. Previously, customer's could only print if the manifest was billed. Pathway:  Customer Portal ...
Customer Portal - Service Map Updates (15125) [Enhancement]
The Customer Portal's Service Map has been improved to include both the Service Point and Site Location pins. When hovering over either pin, a tool tip displays showing the inventory information for the service. Pathway:  Customer Portal...
Portal (Auto Pay) - Accept Terms and Conditions Check Box Added (15394) [Enhancement]
In the Portal's Add Payment Method screen, a new check box for Accepting Payment Terms and Conditions has been included. Users must check this box in order to save the payment method. To access and review the terms and conditions, users can click on...
Work Order Prepayment Page Updates (15412) [Enhancement]
The Prepayment screen has been updated with the following changes: Logo added with the division legal name, phone and email The page title 'Work Order Prepayment Amount $xx.xx' has been renamed to 'Work Order # xxxxx Prepayment' Work Order d...
Account Portal (Service Map) - Duplicate Inventory Serial Numbers (15473)
The Service Map in the Account Portal has been fixed to eliminate duplicate serial numbers for the equipment when viewing location pin details. Pathway:  Customer Portal > Service Map ...
Portal - Updates To Report Buttons and Logic (15454)
The Reports button in the Account Portal has been renamed to Reports / Documents and includes the display of the count of attachments.  Logic was also updated to include attachments from both the Site and the Account when previously it was just Site...
Customer Portal - Quick Pay and Portal Payments Screen Improvements (14338) [Enhancement]
The 'Quick Pay' and 'Make Payment' screens within the Customer Portal have undergone enhancements, including updates to the Process Payment button logic. Now, this button remains disabled until a payment method is selected. ...