Sales - 69 Release


Rate Update Batch - Rate Change Apply Button (15093)
Previously, when viewing the Site Service Charge Rate Update Batch tool, the Apply button was cut off. This has been fixed. Pathway:  Sales > Rate Update Batch ...
Rate Update Batch - Column Changes (15132)
The following changes have been applied in the Rate Update Batch tool: Created Date column has been updated to display the time below the date. Date was also updated to display as a 2 digit year.   Posted Date was updated to display the year ...
Sales Management - Update Reason/Commission Reason Codes (15131)
Previously, when reviewing sales in Sales Management, when a user wanted to update the Reason Code in the 'Update Reason/Commission' popup editor, (opens upon double-clicking on a sale) a list of reason codes did not populate. This has been fixed. ...
Rate Update Batch - Calculation For Months At Current Rate Incorrect (15129)
Previously, the 'Months At Rate' calculations in Rate Update Batch were not calculating correctly. This has been fixed. Pathway:  Sales > Rate Update Batch  ...
Rate Update Batch - Screen Update (15341)
Rate Update Batch has been updated to display 'selected' behind the selection value at the bottom of the screen to indicate the amount of records currently selected. Previously, 'pending' displayed after the value. Pathway:  Sales >...
Rate Update Batch - Batch Update Processing (15343)
A prior issue that prevented the processing of rate update batches, causing them to remain in an "In Progress" status, has been resolved.   Pathway:  Sales > Rate Update Batches ...
Exception Analysis - New Screen Available (15270) [Enhancement]
A new screen 'Exception Analysis' has been added to the Sales module in Core. Exception Analysis is used for internal sales purposes to review accounts that have had repeated service exceptions and identify if a new service, or change in service, s...
Reports (Analysis) - Sales Results Net New Scroll Bar Not Displaying (15406)
An issue has been resolved that prevented the scroll bar from displaying in the Sales Results New New screen. Pathway: Reports > Analysis > Sales Results Net New ...
Proposals - Per Unit and Monthly Rate Not Accurate when 'Copy Lead' Used (15411)
An issue has been resolved that prevented the 'Per Unit' and 'Service Fees' fields from populating in a proposal when 'Copy Lead' was used. Pathway:  Accounts > Add Proposal (Service, Quotes and Contracts section) ...
Rate Update Batch - Exclude service from Update Batch If User Manually Edits Service (15633) [Enhancement]
Rate Update Batch has been updated to display an error if a site included in the batch update has a future services change. Hover over the record to display the tooltip for the error.  Pathway:  Sales > Rate Update Batch ...
Rate Update Batch - Rate Update Batch Details Added Grid View Enhancements (15553, 15565)
Enhancements have been made within the Rate Update Batch Details that include:   Grid View was updated to include an "Extended" view option. When selected, additional columns such as Account ID, Account Name,  Account Class and Bill Group are ...
User Location - User Drop Down Selections Displaying - (15323)
A reported issue has been resolved that prevented the user names from displaying in the User drop down if "Hourly Breadcrumb" was selected for the Location Type.  Pathway:  Sales > Maps > User Location ...
Rate Update Batch - Contract Expiration Date Hyperlink To Contract - (15522)
Within the Rate Update Batch Details, the Contract Expiration date is now a hyperlink that, when clicked, will open and allow viewing of the associated contract.  Pathway:  Sales > Rate Update Batch ...
Opportunities - Dashboard Filter Not Limiting Detail Results - (15641)
Previously an issue was occurring within the Opportunities Dashboard where the filter options were not matching the grid details results.  This has been resolved.  Pathway:  Sales > Pipelines > Opportunities  ...