Updated Articles

  1. Orders, Quotes and Contracts (Accounts) - Map Not Loading if Change to Site Selection (16546)

    The issue that prevented the map from loading the location when the site selection was changed on the Add Service screen for quotes and proposals has been resolved. Pathway:  Accounts > Orders, Quotes and Contracts ...
  2. Add Contact (Accounts) - Birthdate Field Removed From Screen (16627)

    The 'Birthdate' field in the Add Contact screen has been removed. Pathway: Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
  3. Create On Call Order (Accounts) - Update to Route Selection Drop Down (16535) [Enhancement]

    An enhancement has been implemented in the Route selection drop down menu when creating an on-call order or editing a service record. Now, it displays the name of the default driver for the route alongside the route name. Pathway:  ...
  4. Route Management - Sort Functionality Added to Start Date (16795) [Enhancement]

    Sorting logic has been implemented for the Start Date column in the Pending tab of the Route Management screen. Pathway: Operations > Route Management ...
  5. AR Aging Managment - Account Class Filter Updated (16721) [Enhancement]

    The Account Class filter in AR Aging Management has been enhanced to offer users the flexibility of selecting multiple account classes. Pathway: Accounting > AR Aging Management ...
  6. Accounts - Logic Updated to 'Bill To Selection' Field in Add Site's Billing Settings (16704) [Enhancement]

    In the Billings Settings section of Add Site, for accounts with 'Bill By Site' enabled, the 'Bill to Selection' field will automatically default to 'Invoice Mailed to Account Address.' Pathway:  Accounts > Add/Edit Site ...
  7. Work Type Default Charge Codes

    The following article details the setup to define and limit what charge codes are added to different types of work orders. Permissions The following permissions apply:  Permission ID Permission Name 24        Setup / Opera...
  8. Paper Bill Fee

    This article details the setup to enable the Paper Bill Fee feature. Permissions The following permissions are required: Permission ID Permission Name 5       View Account 6       View Site 22        ...
  9. Late Fee Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Account > Account Class The following article outlines the process of configuring late fees that can be applied either to an account's invoice or during billing.  To provide flexibility among account classes on how late fe...
  10. New Account Template Setup

    Pathway:  Setup > Account > New  Account Template New Account Template Setup is used to help streamline the "Add Account" process with pre-configured field selections. This feature reduces the amount of manual entry, ensuring that the acco...