Updated Articles

  1. Customer Service Screen (Accounts) - Legend Added to Screen (16926) [New Feature]

    An enhancement has been made to the account and site customer service screen to include a status Legend that will display upon hover.  ​ Pathway:  Customer Service Screen > Legend (Calendar) ...
  2. Database Query (Database) - New Entity Added to Main Entity Options (16957) [New Feature]

    In Database Query, 'Active Services Tiered Pricing Rates' has been added as an option in the Entity drop down.   Pathway: Database > Database Query  ...
  3. NavuNav (Android) - Added Ability For Driver to Move Service Location Pin (16781) [New Feature]

    The ability for a driver to move the location pin has been implemented in the Android version of the NavuNav app. When a driver moves a pin, the new location is saved and viewable in Navusoft. ...
  4. NavuNav (Android) - Truck Odometer UOM Not Matching UOM in Truck Setup (16854)

    An issue was previously found where the Odometer UOM setting in Truck Setup was not being reflected on the Check-In screen of the Driver App or used for the distance to each stop. This has been resolved. ...
  5. NavuNav (Android) - Pictures Captured in Landscape Mode Not Saving (16848)

    An issue has been resolved that previously prevented pictures captured in landscape mode on the driver app from being saved to the work order and uploaded to Dispatch for the site. Pathway: Operations > Dispatch ...
  6. NavuNav (Android) - Logic Updated to Handling of 'Do Not Service' Status (16600)

    In NavuNav (Android), 'Do Not Service' servicing logic was updated to allow drivers to service the stop, take photos, and add tasks.  Residential Mode: the screen was updated to display a popup window with 'Do Not Service' and the reason code in r...
  7. Current (Tab)- Modify a Route

    Pathway:   Operations > Route Management > Current (Tab) The Current tab displays a list of service locations (stops) that are assigned to a route. Changes made to a stop from the Current tab are permanent. If this a one-time change, t...
  8. AR Payment Batch (Accounting) - F5 Refreshing Screen For Windows Users (16930)

    Previously, when using the F5 shortcut to open the Search Accounts/Sites in the AR Payment Batch screen on a Windows system, the F5 key would also refresh the page. This issue has been resolved so that the page no longer refreshes when the F5 shor...
  9. Service Records (Accounts) - Unable to Delete Disposal Records (16920)

    Previously, an error message prevented the deletion of disposal records, even if the records were not attached to a manifest consolidation batch or a charge. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Accounts > Load Service Record ...
  10. Database Query (Database) - Fields Added To Display Fields List (16927)

    An enhancement has been made to add new fields to the Active Services Query selections. The following fields were added: Vendor Name, Vendor Rate, and  Vendor Site ID. Pathway:  Database > Database Query  ...