New Articles

  1. Void, Refund and Payment Chargeback

    Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts (AR History)   Permissions The following permissions are required to access an account and void, refund or apply a chargeback to a payment: Permission ID Permission Name 5     Vi...
  2. AR History Account Transactions

    Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts screen This article explains how to access account transactions by right-clicking within a line item's row. The available options vary depending on the line item type: Invoice, Payment and Adjustme...
  3. Accounts - Parent And Child Account Edit Service Record (14366)

    Previously, an issue was occurring when using the Edit Service Record tool switching between Parent and Child Work Orders. The issue has been fixed so now when the child work order  is opened the parent closes and when the parent work order is opene...
  4. Operations (Manifest Consolidation) - Updates to Manifest Consolidation Batch Screen (14704) [Enhancement]

    The following improvements have been applied to the Manifest Consolidation Batch screen: Charge Code column added Material column added Pick Up Date column added Scanned time formatting has been updated and the Scanned By name displays below ...
  5. Operations (Route Management) - Support for 'X' Days Released (14638)

    The Route Management screens have been improved to support servicing schedules that follow a service timeline of every 'X' days. Pathway: Operations > Route Management > Pending & Current Tabs ...
  6. Setup (Services) - Surcharges With Multiple Rates Double Charging (14425)

    An issue has been resolved that was causing the double application of a surcharge when the surcharge included multiple rates with different effective dates.  Pathway: Setup > Services > Surcharges
  7. Accounts - Credit Card Payment Receipt and Declines Updated to Use Division Email (14689)

    Core and Account Portal logic has been updated to display the Division email as the 'From' address for credit card payment receipts and decline emails.  Pathway: Accounts; Portal Payments
  8. Reports (Revenue Analysis) - New Report Available (14652) [Enhancement]

    A new Revenue Analysis report is available in Reports > Analysis. After a report Type has been selected, use the filtering options to further limit what is returned. Load must be selected each time a new selection is made to Type or any of the fil...
  9. Accounts (AR History) - Void/Reverse Menu Options Not Displaying (14454)

    An issue was found in the AR History screen that was preventing Void/Reverse menu options from displaying for Rebate/Refund types. This has been fixed.  Pathway: Accounts > AR History ...
  10. Operations - Disposal Location Target Usage (14349,14350) [Enhancement]

    A new feature, 'Target Usage' has been added to the Disposal / Ship Location screen to create a utilization target for a disposal location that can then be tracked in the 'Disposal Location Usage' tool (Operations >  Disposal Location Usage).   ...