New Articles

  1. Set Up (System) - Division Set Up Time Zone Required (14713) [Enhancement]

    A change has been made to Division Setup tool to require a Time Zone be assigned when adding a new Division. Navusoft recommends you review the timezone assigned in Division Setup for all Divisions. Pathway:  Set Up > System > Divi...
  2. Accounting (Vendor Invoice Management) - History Tab Header Name Updates (14261)[Enhancement]

    The Variance Hauler column header in Vendor Invoice Management’s History tab has been renamed to ‘Variance Vendor’.  Pathway: Accounting > Vendor Invoice Management (History tab) ...
  3. Accounting (Vendor Invoice Management) - Update to the Date Fields (14260) [Enhancement]

    The default setting for the Due Date From and Due Date To fields on the Vendor Invoice Management screen has been updated to display blank.  Pathway: Accounting > Vendor Invoice Management ...
  4. Accounts - Vendor/Merchant Account Service History (14584) [Enhancement]

    A change has been  made to accounts with Account Class Type 'Vendor' or 'Broker'  to no longer display the Service History section on the Account's screen. Instead, to view service history details, right click on the active service and select View S...
  5. Operations (Service Record) - Cannot Create Labels on Work Order (14669)

    Feedback * Define what exactly the issue was.  * Wording - 'an issue was occurring'  to  'an issue occurred' Previously, an issue occurred that prevented a user from creating labels on a work order.  This issue has been fixed. P...
  6. Accounting (Vendor Invoice Management) - Logic Updated to Prevent Status Change of a Paid Invoice (14602) [Enhancement]

    On the Vendor Invoice screen, a change has been made to disable the ability to update the status of an invoice once the status has been changed to Paid. An error message displays if a user attempts to change it. Pathway:  Accounting >...
  7. Operations (Route Management) - Service Frequency Changes Not Showing (14636, 14378)

    An issue has been resolved that prevented correctly updating schedules to match a site's service frequency after the frequency was updated. This affected the Calendar and Route Management tools.  Pathway: Accounts > Account: Calendar; Operat...
  8. Accounts (User Activities) - Export Added to Summary Grid (14710) [Enhancement]

    An export option has been added to the Summary grid section of the User Activities screen. Upon selection,  all columns and data displayed in the Summary grid are exported to Excel in XLS format.  Pathway: Accounts > User Activities ...
  9. Operations (Dispatch) - Material Field Added to Route Report (14711) [Enhancement]

    A new 'Materials' column has been added to the Route Report (Format 2) to further assist drivers in servicing site locations.  Pathway:  Operations > Dispatch: Print Route ...
  10. Operations (Site Inventory) - Screen Updates and Filter Added (14714) [Enhancement]

    The Site Inventory screen has been updated with the following changes: A new 'Service Region' filter has been added and is limited to the selected Division The LOB filter has been renamed to "Line of Business" The Export button has been moved to...