Accounting - 69 Release


AR Payment Batch - Clearing the Search Field and Search Result in a Batch (14175)
Logic has been updated to the Batch screen to clear the search value and the search result upon entry of a payment Amount and Type. Pathway: Accounting > AR Payment Batch  ...
AR Aging Management - Past Due Letters Not Generating (14457)
An issue has been resolved that caused a blank page to generate for past due notifications if the 'Exclude Invoice By Email Account' was checked. Pathway :  Accounting > AR Aging Management > select Accounts > select Print ...
Adjustment History and Pending Approval - Adjustment Approval Button Fix (15095)
Previously, when a user selected the green check mark to approve an adjustment, the Confirmation window did not display and the Division filter would revert back to 'All'.  This has been fixed.  Pathway:  Accounting > Invoice Adjustme...
AR Payment Batch - "Deposit Date" Labels Changed (15108)
The following Deposit Date labels have been changed in the AR Payment Batch screen: The 'Deposit Cleared Date' header has been changed to 'Bank Cleared Date'. Right click on batch - 'Add Deposit Cleared Note' has been changed to 'Add Bank Cleared...
Billing - One Time Fee Per Invoice Added as Billing Option (14180)
A new late fee billing option 'One Time Fee Per Invoice'  has been added to the Finance Charge Type field in Account Class. Pathway:  Setup > Account > Account Class ...
Unapplied Management - Retain Grid Position Upon Returning to Screen (14302) [Enhancement]
The Unapplied Management screen has been improved to return the user back to the same location in the list after clicking on the customer and viewing the Customer Service screen.  Pathway:  Accounting > Unapplied Management  ...
AR Payment Batch - Screen Updates (15107)
The following updates were applied to the AR Payment Batch editing tool: A Deposit check box has been added to indicate the money received was entered as a deposit. The Deposit column is hidden if the user does not have permission 267 (Post Depos...
Bill Batch - Send Notification Logic Updated (15159)
The following logic has been updated to the tabs on the Billing screen: Pending and In Process - The 'Send Notifications' right-click option has been restricted to only display for batches in a Posted status. History - The 'Resend Notifications' ...
Credit Card and ACH Reconciliation - Credit Card Refund Records (15142)
An issue has been resolved that prevented Credit Card and ACH refunds from being reflected in the Credit Card/ACH Reconciliation screen. In addition, 'Refund' has been added to the list of options in the Source drop down.  Pathway:  ...
Billing - Link To Auto-Pay Batch Not Display Batch Record When Clicked (15185)
An issue has been resolved in the Billing screen that prevented the auto-pay batch from displaying when the batch link was selected from the Auto-Pay section.  Pathway:  Accounting > Billing ...
Billing - Future Rate Increase Field Added to Billing Screen (15307)
The Billing screen under Results now includes the 'Future Rate Increase' feature for affected accounts and sites following a rate update batch. By clicking the displayed number, users can access a list of customers included in the batch. Additionall...
Process Auto Apply - Performance Improvement (15358)
The error users were encountering in Process Auto Apply has been resolved with the recent logic updates. Additional improvements were made that include a 'Success' message when a small job completes, and a separate message informing them that "Auto ...
AR Payment Batch - Batch Time Not Displaying Correctly (15491)
Within AR Payment Batch and Batch Details, an issue caused the 'Created On' time to display differently between the two screens. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Accounting > AR Payment Batch ...
AR Aging Management - Last Payment Date No Longer Includes Declined Payments (15546)
Previously, when viewing payments using the hover feature in the AR Aging Management screen, declined payments were included in the last payment date. This has been fixed.   Pathway:  Accounting > Aging AR Management ...
Accounting - 'Vendor/Rebate Payments' Screen Updates (15577) [Enhancement]
The History screen in Vendor/Rebate Payments has been updated with the following: "All" option added to the Division drop down. Division column added.  Pathway: Accounting > Vendor/Rebate Payments ...
Payment Batch - Default Payment Type Added (15603) [Enhancement]
A new "Default Payment Type" feature has been added to Payment Batch. By selecting a default payment type, new payments for the batch will default to the type selected. If a default is not selected for the batch, the user must select the type each t...
AR Payment Batch - Timezone Display Correction (15337)
Previously, the timestamp in the AR Payment Batch details screen used the UTC timezone while AR Payment Batch used the division's timezone. This has been corrected so all payment batch screens consistently use the division's local time.  ...