New Articles

  1. Sync External Email and Appointments

    Stay on top of email communications and appointments with account contacts by syncing your external email account to Navusoft. After the simple setup process is complete, any new appointments or email communications associated with an account contac...
  2. Account Request Management - Linked Item Showing Twice (15481)

    An issue has been resolved that caused linked items to display twice in both the Account Request screen and Account Request Management screen.  Pathway:  Accounts > Accounts Request Management ...
  3. Accounts (Calendar)- Notification Message Updates (15497) [Enhancement]

    In the Customer Calendar, additional details have been added to the Notification Message dialog box to include the following information:  Message Type (SMS or Email) Message Subject Message Direction (Sent or Received) From Email A...
  4. Tasks - Labels Added To Filters (15439) [Enhancement]

    The Assigned Tasks screen has been updated to display filter labels above the corresponding filters for Tasks, Department, and Type. Additionally, a fix has been implemented to address the refresh issue that occurred when switching between tasks. ...
  5. User Activities - 'Created Date' and 'Last Viewed' Times Not Matching (15505)

    Within the User Activity and Customer Calendar screens, the 'Created Date' time stamp and 'Last Viewed' time stamp did not match.  This has been resolved.  Pathway:  Accounts > User Activities ...
  6. Edit Active Service - Logic Updates for When Equipment Type is Changed (15426) [Enhancement]

    The following logic has been updated to Edit Active Service screen: If the equipment type is changed for an active service, a removal work order is created for the old equipment and a delivery work order is created for the new equipment. Removal a...
  7. Accounts - Customer Service Calendar And Tool Tip Information Not Matching (15498)

    Previously ,  the Customer Service Calendar displayed different 'From' and 'Send To' information than what the tooltip displayed. This has been resolved.  Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
  8. AR Payment Batch - Batch Time Not Displaying Correctly (15491)

    Within AR Payment Batch and Batch Details, an issue caused the 'Created On' time to display differently between the two screens. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Accounting > AR Payment Batch ...
  9. Accounts (Customer Details)- Unable to Delete Attachments (15452)

    Within the  'View Photos, Attachments and Waste Profiles' (paperclip icon) of an account, an issue in the Attachments tab prevented the deletion of attachments that had been added. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Accounts > Search >...
  10. Work Order Prepayment Page Updates (15412) [Enhancement]

    The Prepayment screen has been updated with the following changes: Logo added with the division legal name, phone and email The page title 'Work Order Prepayment Amount $xx.xx' has been renamed to 'Work Order # xxxxx Prepayment' Work Order d...