New Articles

  1. Create Account (Accounts) - Service Region Clearing When Address Is Added (16755)

    Previously, an issue occurred when using an account template to create a new account: when an address was added, the Service Region field would unexpectedly clear. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Accounts > Add Account  ...
  2. Customer Service Screen (Accounts) - Calendar to Display Rejected Credit Memos (16625) [New Feature]

    An enhancement has been made to the Calendar on the Customer Service screen to display Rejected Credit Memos on the date they were rejected. When hovered over, a tooltip will show the reference number, amount, notes, and the rejection reason. ...
  3. Account Request Management (Accounts) - User and Timestamp Added to Closed Requests (16817) [New Feature]

    An enhancement has been implemented on the Account Request screen to show the name of the user who completed the request and the timestamp of completion. Pathway:  Accounts > Account Request Management  ...
  4. AR History (Accounts) - Logic Updated to Chargebacks (16658) [New Feature]

    An "Amount" field has been added to the Record Chargeback screen, allowing users to enter partial amounts as needed. By default, the field will be pre-filled with the payment amount. Pathway: Accounts > AR History ...
  5. Customer Portal - 'Closed' Status Updated in Request History (16601)

    When a system user in Navusoft closes a request, the status on the Customer Request History screen in the customer portal is updated to show "Closed." Previously, it displayed as "Closed - Not Chargeable." Pathway:  Customer Portal ...
  6. Export a Billing Batch

    Pathway:  Setup > Accounting > Bill Group The file format that is used to export a billing batch to a third party mailer is established in Bill Group Setup in the Settings tab. If an export format is not identified for the Bill Group, ...
  7. AR Payment Batch (Accounting) - F5 Shortcut To Payment Screen Not Working Consistently (16718)

    Previously, there was an issue within the AR Payment Batch screen where using the F5 key shortcut to add payments to a batch did not consistently open the Search Accounts/Sites screen as intended. This issue has been resolved. Pathwa...
  8. GL Transaction Processing (Accounting) - Support for Individual GL Batch Creation (16732) [Enhancement]

    A new 'Create Individual GL Batches' button has been added to the GL Transaction Processing screen. When selected, the user will be prompted to add a note that will be copied onto each created GL Batch.  If the user has selected multiple batches ...
  9. Orders, Quotes and Contracts - Logic Updated for Validation of Discounted Rates (16793)

    The logic for discount calculation has been corrected for proposals/contracts with 'Pre-Authorization' set to "Required for Rates Below Max. Discount" in the Add/Edit Document Type setup. Validation is also based on the what was entered in the Max D...
  10. Route Management - Sort Functionality Added to Start Date (16795) [Enhancement]

    Sorting logic has been implemented for the Start Date column in the Pending tab of the Route Management screen. Pathway: Operations > Route Management ...