Accounts - 72 Release


Accounts - Logic Updated to Per Unit Rate Field (16170, 16286) [Enhancement]
Logic has been updated to the Per Unit Rate field for Manual Charges and Active Services to allow users to enter a 7 digit rate. Previously, anything over 999,999 was not supported and an error message would display. Pathway:  Accounts >...
Proposals and Service Agreements - Unwanted PDF Copies of Forms Included in Email (16160)
When emailing proposals and service agreements from the Navusoft application, if the user selected forms to attach with the email, a PDF copy of the proposal/agreement was also attached even if the 'Include Attachment?' check box wasn't checked. Thi...
Accounts - Processing Payments With Inactive Cards (16106)
The issue of inactive credit cards still being available for payment processing has been resolved. Additionally, the 'Post Payment' icon will now be hidden for inactive payment methods. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts  ...
Accounts - Credit Card Receipt Includes Link To Invoice (16145) [Enhancement]
An enhancement has been made to credit card receipts to now include a hyperlink to paid invoice(s). Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts  ...
Scale Ticket Format 1 - '0' Gross Quantity Logic Update (16249)
Logic has been updated to Scale Ticket Format 1 to exclude service record charges that have a Gross Qty of '0.' Pathway: Accounts > Service Record ...
Tax Region Map - Data Not Loading on Screen (16263)
An issue has been resolved that was preventing data from loading in the Tax Region Map screen.  Pathway:  Accounts > Tax Region Map ...
Accounts - 0% Recognized As Exact Match By Tax Verification (16232)
Previously, the tax verification process did not acknowledge taxes with a 0% tax rate and showed them as missing in the Tax Results screen. Logic has been updated to recognize the 0% tax rate as an "Exact" match.  Pathway:  Accou...
Accounts - Inbound/Outbound Work Order Status Not Updating Posting Status (16241)
The logic for the Work Status of Inbound/Outbound work orders has been enhanced to automatically update the Posting Status to "Posted" when the Work Status is set to "Received - Completed" and saved. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Ac...
Customer Service Screen - Auto Pay and Site Details Improvements (16285) [Enhancement]
Auto Pay Improvements Auto-Pay requirements have been updated on the customer service screen. Enhancements include additional information about the payment type for both At Billing and Scheduled Day auto-pay methods, as well as red text expiratio...
Accounts - Update to 'Default Payment Method' Field in Edit Account (16280) [Enhancement]
A 'Not Applicable' option has been added to the list of options for the Default Payment Method field. This is the default selection for imported accounts that have a blank/null AP Default Payment Method. Pathway: Accounts > Account Deta...
Inbound/Outbound - Destination Options For Outbound WO's Limited Based On Division (16245) [Enhancement]
The logic for the Destination field in Outbound work orders has been enhanced to restrict options according to the division linked with the Disposal/Ship Location and Site. Pathway:  Operations > Inbound/Outbound > Outbound (tab) > S...
Accounts - Incorrect Email Was Showing When Sending Work Orders (16107, 16390)
An issue has been resolved when emailing photos from work orders, which previously caused the contacts available in the drop down to show from the first account viewed.   Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
Accounts - Calendar and Rate History Updates in Relation to Rate Update Batch (14835) [Enhancement]
Calendar and Rate History in the Customer Service screen have been updated to display the Rate Update Batch and the Rate Update Batch Note upon hover. ...
Accounts - Clone Site Functionality Available (16270) [Enhancement]
The option 'Clone Site and Services' has been added to the account menu drop down. To use this feature, users must have permission 453 (Clone Site and Services).  Review the Clone Site and Services article to learn more about how to use this feature...
Accounts (Contracts) - Logic Updated to 'Sold By' Field (16317)
Logic has been updated to the 'Sold By' field in service contracts to display a list of all active users who do not have permission 305 (Assignable as Driver) and permission 328 (Assignable as Helper) associated to their user account. ...
Accounts - WO Minimum Field Not Reverting Back to '0' With Change to Posting Status (16294)
Previously, the WO Minimum field did not revert back to '0' when a user changed the Posting Status from 'Posted' to either the 'Pending' or 'Ready To Post' options. This has been resolved. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
Clone Site and Services - New Feature Available in Account Menu (16270) [Enhancement]
A new "Clone Site and Services"feature has been introduced in the Account menu. This feature simplifies the process of adding new sites by replicating existing site configurations and their associated services with just a few clicks. For more inform...
Accounts (Site Details) - Override Logic Updated if Franchise Fee is 'Yes' (16331) [Enhancement]
In both the Site Surcharge Rates and Surcharge Management screens, the override option is disabled when the Franchise Fee is set to 'Yes.' In the Site Surcharge Rate screen, the action icon is hidden, while in Surcharge Management, the hyperlink fo...
Add/Edit Services - Addition of 'Current Competitor' Field (16335)
A 'Current  Competitor' field has been added  to the Add Active Service screen for reason codes that have the 'Capture Competitor' option enabled.  Pathway: Accounts > Customer Service Screen > Add Service ...
Order Processing (Accounts) - Screen Updates to Online On-Call Orders Tab (16040) [Enhancement]
The following columns have been added to the Online On-Call Orders screen: Term Estimated Charges Payments Approve Hover over the Approve button to display the ' Approve Release to Dispatch' tool tip. Upon selecting the Approve button for a ...
Accounts - Logic Updated to Reason Codes in View Change History and Service Additional Fields Screens (16333) [Enhancement]
The Reason Code field in the View Change History and Service Additional Fields screens now allows users with permission 392 (Edit Reason Code in Sales Results and History) to edit the code to another of the same type. Pathway: Account...
AR History (Accounts) - Daily Auto Apply Not Applying Credits (16316)
The logic has been updated to fix an issue that was preventing credit invoices from being applied to open and past-due invoices during the daily auto-apply process. Pathway: Accounts > Customer Service Screen > AR History ...
Create Invoice (AR History) - Message to Display if 'Generate Invoice' Button is Disabled (16349) [Enhancement]
On the Create Invoice screen, if the Generate Invoice button is disabled, users will see the following reason displayed: "Unable to generate invoice; this account is part of an in-progress billing batch." Pathway: Accounts > Customer Se...
AR History (Invoice Adjustment) - Screen Changes for Surcharges and Taxes (16330) [Enhancement]
The Invoice Adjustment screen has been updated to order surcharges and taxes by the service or charge code they are attached to. Pathway: Accounts > Customer Service Screen > AR History > (right click on invoice) View Details / Adjust I...
Accounts - Updates to Site Search (16272) [Enhancement]
Two new filter options, "Inactive More Than 60 Days" and "Inactive Less Than 60 Days," have been included in the Status drop down menu on the Site Search screen. This filter is not applied if both options are selected at the same time. P...
Service Record - Display Signature Omit Reason (16355) [Enhancement]
In NavuNav, if the driver has chosen a reason code for not capturing the customer's signature, the reason code will be displayed in the Completion tab of the Service Record. Pathway: Service Record > Completion (tab) ...
Active Services (Accounts) - 'Per Unit Rate' Column Added (16392) [Enhancement]
A 'Per Unit Rate' column has been added to the Active Services section of the Customer Service screen when the Standard view is used.  ...
Accounts - Site Tax Region Producing HTTP Status 500 Error (16412, 16421)
An issue that was producing an HTTP Status 500 error has been resolved to the Tax Region field when selecting the red " ! " mark. ...
Accounts Screen - Improvement to 'Add Service Note' in Service Additional Fields Screen (16346) [Enhancement]
The Services Notes section of the Service Additional Fields screen has been enhanced to open a new, separate 'Add Service Note' editor, which improves the process of adding service notes. Pathway: Customer Service Screen > Active Serv...
Work Orders - Notifications Not Sending for Work Orders Set to 'In Progress' (16387)
The problem causing a service notification for certain work types not to be sent when updating the work order's status to 'In Progress' has been resolved. ...
Account Details - Screen Improvement (16441) [Enhancement]
In the Account Details section of the Customer Service screen, Paper Bill Fee has been relocated to display under Invoice Delivery. Additionally, the red font has been enhanced. Pathway: Accounts > Customer Service Screen ...
Account Request Management - Screen Enhancements (16476) [Enhancement]
The following updates have been applied to the Account Request Management screen: Date formatting has been updated to display the first three characters of the day of the week. This also applies to the 'Completed On' date. The Account / Site ...
Map Nearby (Search) - Tooltip Updated (16484) [Enhancement]
The tooltip that displays for nearby service locations to a searched location has been updated to include its Service Region and Tax Region information.  Pathway:  Accounts > Search ...
Create On Call Order - Update to Quantity Field (16552) [Enhancement]
The logic governing the Quantity field in 'Create On Call Order' has been updated to display either null or '1' depending on the service quantity. Null/blank is displayed if the service quantity is greater than "1." "1" is displayed if the servic...
AR History - Logic Updated to 'Viewed Notification' Status Icon (16537)
The logic for the notification icon indicating when a customer has viewed the invoice has been updated. The email icon will turn green (indicating the invoice has been read) under the following circumstances once the invoice is viewed from: The...
Account Calendar - Logic Updated to Event Sorting in Calendar (16489) [Enhancement]
Calendar visibility has been enhanced for days with multiple events and user views at a site. Key improvements include: User views If more than one user has viewed the site, a total count of user views will display. Hovering over the count w...
Site Status - "Bad Debt" No Longer Available as a Site Status (16541)
When an account with a single site is updated to a "Bad Debt" status, the logic has been updated to prevent the Site status from being changed to "Bad Debt." Furthermore, "Bad Debt" is no longer an available status in Site Status History. ...
Active Services (Accounts) - Functionality Added to Link Site Services (16502) [Enhancement]
Functionality has been added to enable the linking of site services. When an active service is added to, or already exists on an account, supplementary services like a "locking bar" can be included and associated with it. Upon linking services, a ...
Search Accounts - Improvements Made to Search Screen (16466) [Enhancement]
The following enhancements have been applied to the Search screen: 1. Keyboard-friendly: Each search field on the Search screen supports keyboard entry and responds to the tab key. Upon typing in a search field, the system will generate a lis...
Contracts/Proposals (Document Type) - Contracts Not Being Automatically Approved (16531)
An issue has been resolved that prevented proposals and contracts from automatic approval, even when the "Automatic" option was selected in the Document Type Setup. Additionally, in "Update Document Type," the "Automatic" approval selection option h...
Active Services (Accounts) - Default Rates not Considering Effective Date (16564)
An issue has been resolved where default rates were not considering the effective date. Pathway: Setup > Services > Default Pricing > Service Code ...
Contracts (Accounts) - Logic Updated to 'Payment Required' Calculation for Electronic Signatures (16536)
The logic for the "Payment Required" calculation in the Electronic Signature screen has been updated for both scenarios: calculating recurring services without taxes and surcharges, and calculating recurring services with taxes and surcharges. ...
Work Orders (Accounts) - Format 3 Not Using Correct Timestamp (16583)
An issue has been resolved that was causing Work Order Format 3 to display an incorrect timestamp than the Service Record.  Pathway:  Accounts > Customer Service   ...
Accounts - Logic Updated to Service Code Field For On Call Work Orders (16611) [Enhancement]
Logic has been updated to the creation of on call work orders to auto-populate the Service Code field if the site has only one active service. Otherwise, if there is more than one active service, the Service Code field remains null requiring the...
AR History - Account Statements To Use Bill Remit Address (16660) [Enhancement]
The address used for account statements has been updated to utilize the Bill Remit Address from Division Setup rather than the Legal Address. Pathway: Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
AR History (Accounts) -Default 'Save As' for Invoice Downloads Changed (16662) [Enhancement]
An enhancement has been applied when downloading invoice files: the default 'Save As' title will now start with the division name, followed by the invoice ID. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
Accounts - Payment Receipt Updated (16674)
Previously, when printing a payment receipt, the Invoices Paid section was being cut off, resulting in the incomplete display of the invoice list. This issue has been resolved. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts ...
AR History (Accounts) - Applications To Invoice Screen Updates (16626) [New Feature]
The following enhancements have been applied to the Applications To Invoice screen: An 'Applied Date' column has been added to show the date of the AR application. A 'Running Balance' column has been added and will sort in ascending order...
Customer Service Calendar (Accounts) - Portal Login Time Displaying Incorrectly (16653)
An issue has been resolved that caused the incorrect time to display in a tool tip indicating the last login time for portal users. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Accounts > Calendar ...
Quotes and Contracts (Accounts) - Forms Getting Cut Off at Bottom (16684)
An issue has been resolved that prevented a user from being able to scroll to the bottom of contracts and proposals.  Pathway: Accounts > Customer Service Screen > Order, Quotes and Contracts
Cancellation Requests (Accounts) - Logic Updated to 'Assigned To' Field (16680) [New Feature]
The 'Assigned To' field in the Create Cancellation Request has been updated to only display a list of users with permissions 162 (Add Cancellation Request) or 163 (Edit/Delete Cancellation Request). Pathway:  Accounts > Cancellation ...
Search (Accounts) - New Search Type Added (16638) [New Feature]
A new Search Type 'Account ID' has been added to Accounts Search and will perform an exact search on Account ID or Old ID. Pathway:  Accounts > Search > Account ID ...
On Call Orders (Accounts) - Destinations Limited Based on Material Information (16605)
The Destination Facility field for On Call work orders and Add/Edit Active Service has been improved to limit what is displayed based on the site's division and type of material being hauled.  ...